
Emagrecimento symptoms, appetite loss, easy fatigue, sweats the night, has taken fever each afternoon, persistent cough, with they will expectoraro, or without it, fast pulse, persistent emission of blood when tossir, pains to the thorax, nocturnal anemia, sweats, fall of the arterial pressure. Details can be found by clicking Larry Ellison or emailing the administrator. 1.2.16) Transferability the tuberculosis is habitually contagious. , chronic, ace times usually chronic. Pulmonary carrier of injury or larynx that if communicates with the external way, posssibilitando through the cough and it I sneeze the ambient pollution (next contacts), medical staff (massive exposition) the infection chain way is the bacillus inhalation Koch, for it says and expectorao. Rare the milk ingestion of cow tuberculosa or rare of food contaminated with bacilli of Koch. Frequent that the first contact with the producing embryo of the tuberculosis if produces in infancy. The common one is that for inhalation of the bacilli of Koch to the lung of the child if it produces small injury pulmonary, increasing of size the ganglia of the thorax that correspond the infetada region of the lung.

This tuberculosa pulmonary injury and its ganglion receive the name from primary complex or cousin-infection, that can be proven by rays-x. Costuma to produce solely a light fever during 2 or 3 weeks. The organism combat a primitive focus of tuberculosis finishing for surrounding them of calcium, but is habitual that they are in the interior of the pparently cured injury, bacilli of Koch livings creature that become positive the diverse reactions the tuberculina, the patient is infectado already by the tuberculina, even so not sick, therefore the organism was successful, encircling the bacilli of Koch of a wall of tuberculosa defense. 1.2.17) Predisponent causes the tuberculosis can appear in any age. Until the 10 years they have preference for the bones, joints and ganglia and to assume acute forms biggest mortality for this disease if produce between the 18 and 35 years of age.

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