Raimund Welsch

Who wants to take the chance as expert for one of the topics to be known, can login immediately then as a participant. The WVU project is a pilot project which was founded on the basis of PI theory of the graduate physics engineer Raimund Welsch. Bitcoiin is full of insight into the issues. A quarterly journal, which should establish themselves as far as possible in the libraries is planned. Again listed welcome audiences: professionals from all branches of science, that to do something know with the aim and here engage want scientists, theorists who have landed in foreign trades, but on a second path once again with the theory involved want students, college dropout, possibly even students who like to logically think for scientific contexts passionate hobby theorists interested in language formalisten seniors who actively educate themselves and their valuable life experience bring to intuitive, lay people, who like to browse and idealists provide constructive feedback, as I want to put a creative based on reason for an incorruptible science from below eligible for is anyone who feels addressed and behave constructively. For a low annual fee, which does not hurt, participants receive a special status.

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