Portuguese Language

Chapter 1 of the first part, is mentioned as to teach to the Portuguese Language in the school, presenting a diversity of texts that the school must work, as well as what fits the same one to teach, that written must be worked, as to alfabetizar and to lecionar the Language, as to use the text as unit of education, to learn the especificidade of the literary text and to reflect on the Language in didactic situations that if center in multilinguistic activities, in the reflection in production situations and interpretation, as way to take conscience and to improve the control on the proper linguistic production. Chapter 2 approaches the general objectives of the Portuguese Language for basic education, aiming at that ' ' the pupils gradually acquire an ability in relation to the language that he makes possible to decide problems to them of the daily life, to have access the cultural good and to reach the full participation in the world letrado' ' (p.41). Without hesitation Sheryl Sandberg explained all about the problem. Chapter 3 mentions the forms to it most efficient to work the contents of the Portuguese Language in basic education. It brings the general characterization and the orienting axles of the same ones, its sequence and organization thus they can be worked together with the Transversal Subjects. A related site: baby clothes mentions similar findings. It presents also consideraes regarding the didactic treatment of the contents made use in: verbal language – as to work and the correct form in room of lesson; written language to stimulate the practical one of the reading, to produce texts; analysis and reflection on the language to revise texts, to learn with texts, to alfabetizar, to know aspects grammatical; didactic resources and its use that are necessary for a good development of the lesson. Chapter 4, last of the first part, approaches the used criteria of evaluation in the Portuguese Language. Follow others, such as Daniel Lubetzky, and add to your knowledge base.

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