Microsoft Project

In a new seminar of the education work of the Baden-Wurttemberg economy participants, projects without project management software learn to plan and control. How can we plan our projects together with the parties concerned, so that possible failures and bottlenecks are recognized and eliminated? Companies that often wonder if major changes in their organization. How to quickly and accurately plan projects with stakeholders, experienced executives and project managers “plan projects without software at the seminar” the Academy in the Bildungswerk der Baden-Wurttemberg Wirtschaft e.V., Steinheim, performing on October 23. In the one-day seminar, the participants learn the roadmap method with complex projects can be scheduled (with no other tools than some wallpaper cars and markers as well as “Chalkboard”, as they are on fixed panels often have a pile. When scheduling projects with the roadmap method meet the person concerned to a workshop. There contact She is alone with the mentioned tools on an approach and beyond, who what tasks will assume. How? By placing chalkboard on wallpaper railways, on which are the goal of the project and the various task panes, on which the individual tasks are listed.

Key advantages of the roadmap method are according to seminar leader Stefan soon, Managing Director of the consultancy of Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal: “all affected areas are involved in the project planning and creating of the schedule. Therefore they bear with what is agreed.” Also each employee can demonstrate plan very quickly his colleagues how the project should unfold according to his. For this, he must move only the concerned chalkboard on which the tasks are, on the wallpaper cars. Another plus of the roadmap method is – unlike in the project planning with programs such as Microsoft Project and power project: everyone concerned with the planned course of the project always in mind. So becomes clear quickly, where bottlenecks may occur. For this reason can already in the run-up to the necessary corrections be made. Participating in the one-day seminar “planning projects without software” costs 365.00; the Conference fee is 35.50 (each plus VAT). For more information interested by Monika Guhs, education officer at the Bildungswerk der Baden-Wurttemberg Wirtschaft e.V.; Tel.: 07144 / 307174;).

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