Meinhard Bohm

For the uninitiated, the defects are difficult to detect because they usually are hidden. The dangerous fact: Larvae survive several years under unfavourable conditions, spores are present in the environment, and wood-destroying fungi can fall into a State of very long. State means: change the conditions, the fungus lives on. For example, the real rot can grow through masonry, he promoted water on dry, completely intact (also new) wood to make use of it and so to destroy.A further criterion to be investigated is whether there exist any wood preservative contaminated sites. Also abiotic damage by maceration, deformations, cracks can and much more. There are available.

This helps only a wood preservation advice for inventory. The client must pay for this however, but considerably saves during the renovation. 2. Constructed roof spaces here problems occur, it is usually too late and in 99% Cases are attributable to construction errors that a) made no investigation of wood construction (which is now) or botched construction was made by lack of competence. Here are some often encountered problems: The residents complain about musty odors, fatigue and tiredness. There is a suspicion of molds or a suspected House toxins as a result of roof construction with wood preservative contaminated. The mold can be formed then, if the roof is not ventilated and the vapor barrier is leaky or unsuitable. Also, it would be conceivable, that E.g.

wood-destroying insects were not recognized, and now they have drilled on the trip through the vapor barrier, waterproofing, etc (do not believe? They can!), making this their function due to leakage no longer can meet. Water stains on Deckeund on walls may indicate as well on a condensation problem, as well as on a wrong seal or integration components. Go undetected, forms an optimal environment for wood-destroying fungi. Are then fungal mycelium in the State, it now on rapidly goes forward: within a few days an infestation and thus a material defect exists. The roof must be overhauled again. So, consult a competent person for the suspicions of Gerin gestures! 3. New roof trusses here concentrates the risk on two problem areas: selection, quality and humidity of assembled wood, and constructive structural wood protection it goes without saying, that also here at least locally one expert should be consulted. Is used for example to wet wood, and built a dense construction, the humidity in the building remains, and there is a danger of infestation by wood-destroying organisms turn. Conclusion: Wood is a hygroscopic, anisotropic and inhomogeneous material with very special properties. To save the wood preservation advice or consult an expert for wood preservation means saving in the wrong place. This will be mostly to result in long-term problems. ING Meinhard Bohm.

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