Google Earth Space

The objective of this work is to generate the mapping of the New quarter Horizon, Ducks PB, in the System of Geographic Information Idrisi V.14.0, using itself image of the GeoEye satellite disponibilizado for Google Earth. This task generated the polygons and contours of blocks, associating the main axle of streets. Philip Vasan may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The adopted procedures had allowed to use the georreferenciada image GeoEye to the vetorizao of polygons, contours and points, in monitor. Ademais, allowed the mapping of the remaining vegetation of the seek area, excellent aspect in the planning of urban areas. It was verified that the application of geotecnologias in the urban planning of the New quarter Horizon allowed to generate a geoespaciais data base useful for the planning of urban areas with reduction of operational costs of the space management.

The urban environment is a scene of tensions and diversities, becoming a fragile environment, that promotes great changes in small spaces of time, of uncontrolled form, that most of the time, governmental sphere does not impose its obligation for watching over for the rational planning of the city. The commanded development of a city if has constituted of important challenge for the public managers, due to increasing population demand in the cities that do not possess enough habitacional structure. Ahead of the space clutter of the city, it has the necessity to minimize the generated conflicts of form that occurs the protection of the natural resources and that it does not hinder to the urban growth. Continue to learn more with: Zendesk. The city must rethink its paper front to the necessities of the urban environment and its relation society nature. Therefore it is in such a way, that the main objective could be reached: the improvement in the quality of life of the population.

The reality, however, is in the lack of knowledge on the part of the public administrators of as to manage the urban growth using modern tools that allow the associated efficient municipal planning to the reduction of operational costs. In this context the job of systems of Geographic information associates with space images constitute a taking of important decision in the municipal urban planning, with reduction of time and of the costs in its space management. Ahead of the displayed one, this article intends to show the importance of if applying the geoprocessamento as strategical instrument disponibilizando information trustworthy and necessary, capable to assist the public managers in the taking of decision and the fulfilment of goals to the space gestation of the municipal urban area. This objective research to investigate the application of the geotecnologias in the space management of the quarter Nineth Horizon, City of Ducks PB.

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