Golden Mountain

After reading documents, the proprietor unfastened in a rosary of lamentations and improprios against the Dr. Carlos, who heard the balances of the sergeant and declared: _ Robert, us we did not come to create case. We only want to know what vocs they are making with my trucks, because the XV-0763 is imprisoned in Golden Mountain range, and alone God knows until when. For the appearances, the guilt is all ours, that we are the proprietors. Today, I committed a great error in accusing Boni to belong to this group. It isentou it to the commission agent, and I do not want to commit the same lack. I want that they know of where they had broken the denunciations, before the inquiries arrive. I only wait that, as well as Boni, you it obtains to prove its innocence.

We go to see what we can make to remove truck, therefore is proven that it has people of the involved ENGETEC in the group. _ Dr. Carlos, Mr. is not thinking that I have some thing to see, right? It knows that I always worked certain, and I am not trambiqueiro, right? _ Who goes to decide is the policy! What I found that was my obligation, I already made, that he was to see the truck and to inform of the contraband. The remaining portion is with vocs and the policy! Again, it took care of to the balances of the sergeant and if it removed in order to take care of of the other tasks. In that place, they did not have more nothing to make

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