Filo Capital

Of course, the idea of all these projects possess unique and valuable. But it is important also that at the right time, each of them has found its investor – venture capitalist: – case Yahoo! Inc. went up the hill, where in 1995. general partner, the California venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, Mike Moritz invested $ 1 million as its share in the company Yang and Filo – a real business started after the other largest investment venture capital firm – Kleiner Perkins in 1995. – History of the company Google Inc. began in 1998. (Two years after the creation of Brin and Paige a search engine) with a check for $ 100 thousand, who wrote out the name of another defunct company Behtolshaym Andy – one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.

After that, attracting investments from relatives, friends and relatives, with Bryn Paige formed his own company with a registered fund of $ 1 million – any serious attention to the website was drawn once in November 2005, Hurley and Chen have managed to get 3.5 million dollars from the same Sequoia Capital. Six months later, they managed to attract about $ 8 million venture capital investment. Well? Amounts impressive? Ask our Internet entrepreneurs – that they could make $ 3 million? I think a little more than a chen or Harley. Although, I must say that successful domestic projects will not remain without investment, including venture capital (examples can serve and Yandex and Rambler, and other Internet projects). Especially this is real now, when about innovation, venture funds and investments in our country say more.

And not only say – but they do. What is the conclusion from all of the above can be offered? And here is this: if your Internet project has not yet attracted much attention, if the pace of development of the project are poor and incomes are low – do not rush it throw. Think again, perhaps, it is an idea, but lacked the Investment? And if so – try to find them. How Filo and Yang, as Brin and Page, both Hurley and Chen … JH Deaf Project Manager – Thematic Internet directories companies. E-commerce services. PS Yes, I almost forgot. Perhaps just one more thing to warn about. In fact, a successful project requires another component. What? – Well, here's see: the idea is, the money it received, and Now what? Must somehow this money is wisely spent. So there is this third component – the Office or, in other words, Management. It is no accident management in innovative IT companies tend to be entrusted professional managers with experience in business administration and in other firms. So if you plan to develop the project in a serious business, shop managers are already working companies. Maybe they You will eventually come in handy … PPS to terms such as 'venture capital', 'innovation', etc. became more clear, I recommend to follow the publications on the portal to support innovations 'Innoveyshn'. By the way, there you can register your team and show your project in the directory portal. Who knows, perhaps it is this step will help you find your investor?

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