
This is the apex of the work: breached the horizon of expectations, this is the moment to offer to the pupil the chance to extend such horizon, the vision and knowledge on the boarded subject. The professor will consider the production of an individual text where the pupils will register its opinions on the process made until then. This text will serve as an evaluation, does not stop the pupils, but yes for professor, in the measure where this will have access to the positive and negative points of the applied methodology. After that, the professor will make the reading of the book ' ' Formigarra and Cigamiga' ' of Kirinus Glory of the Braga Publishing company. Book this that, for its structure, cause estranhamento to the reader, extending its literary slight knowledge, therefore this text, even so pparently simple, is about a complex text, that will demand of the pupils a more intent reading, critical and reflexiva. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES Although to have been a hypothetical situation, the application of the Recepcional Method, considered for the authors Maria of the Glory Bordini and Vera Teixeira de Aguiar, based on the theories of the Aesthetic one of the Reception and the Effect, she is viable when the formation of a participativo and critical reader is had in mind, when horizontes is had in mind to prepare the reader to guarantee the magnifying of its and with this to know and to integrate the world in active and constructive way. Everything this is clearly, when the due value is attributed to the paper of the reader in process of literary creation. To face the reader as co-author of the text is a step important to get the desired success. To assist, to direct, to understand and to accept the inferences of the pupil-reader would justify the theory and the proposal metodolgica, here, presented. One expects that this proposal allows to the mediating professor/the continuous exercise in the formation process and maintenance of readers ' ' ideais' ' that they reach a critical conscience and they have a bigger perception of itself and the world that the fence.

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