Division Building

Owning a House is a facility which you occasionally want to invest in something. At each building design, the future home owners are after the construction raise the question and weigh up the pros and cons of the different types of houses. Who want to move quickly in the own House, will be happy with the solution of the prefabricated, because a long construction period is eliminated. As well, the currently popular wood House can occur in a short period of construction on the property of their owners. But the massive construction of houses has not lost popularity, on the contrary.

A high-quality House, which results in a longer construction period, is ideal for thermal and acoustic properties, and rock-solid in his building materials. Why a massive House is often favored, is thus partly explained. The massive house building has many advantages. Longevity of houses due to the massive construction is one of them. Multi-layered walls are a guarantee for a long life span, and so can a massive house building a generation project be that durable and weather resistant, as the House is, its life span can reach almost the century boundary. The structure and the room accounts form a unit, the dam function is therefore optimal. The homeowner another advantage, many appreciate flexibility in their house according to their needs. Set not on a small number of models, such as, for example, prefabricated house types of the case is that the owner can exploit a maximum margin of discretion in their house with the solid masonry.

Walls and ceilings consist of concrete, so environmental building materials and have the advantage of a large fire resistance and good heat storage, as well as a high resistance to moisture. Up on the load-bearing walls, a massive House is also flexible to build a wall or a window later, is no problem. Partition wall systems are excellent, to subsequently implement design requirements of builders. Not permanently connected to the building, they have the function of the space Division. They could be building subsequently divided and new residential Islands created. Partitions are made of lightweight materials, but have a solid look, since they often range from the floor up to the ceiling.For example, they are built in, if kitchen and living room from each other should be separated, must not necessarily be achieved through a brick wall. Flexibility and ease of installation are a plus the dividing wall systems. Andreas Mettler

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