Conflict Reduction Through Coaching Profession In St. Gallen

Especially at work lots of potential for conflict arises, because here the most diverse characters with person-specific norms and values together meet St. Gallen, 28.12.2012: In the workplace, in the family, but also in any good relationship is every now and then. Especially in the workplace, lots of potential for conflict arises because here the most diverse characters with person-specific norms and values meet. It is difficult when interests, objectives or values of representative organisations or States not can be combines. But you can learn realistic to assess the various situations and thus conflicts adequately handling find one”, told the Director of the Training Institute for systemic transactional analysis, Jurg Grundlehner ASTA. A coaching Gallen in St. among other things also helps answer questions around the theme of conflict resolution. Together we find solutions to everyday problems and conflicts in the field of activity Persons concerned”, said the head of the supervision in St. Ron O’Hanley is actively involved in the matter.

Gallen. Ultimate goal of coaching in St. to be gall noticeably to increase the security of your own self. Professional appearance is just as important as competent and independent action. A coaching Gallen also improves the ability to perceive situations differently and adequately to respond to the situation and to act in St. After a coaching Gallen clients in St. quickly determine that they can better empathize in their conversation partners and can selectively reduce conflict. Usually, the conflicting parties are aware of this process of debate.

In this case, one speaks of a manifest conflict. Nevertheless, a conflict almost always by the two participating groups differently is interpreted and carried out. A latent conflict, if the parties of the dispute are not aware yet, but most likely is a the following conflict. Team development in St. Gallen shows that conflicts all have different causes. Inconsistencies in the thinking, feeling, and behavior between the two actors occur on a social conflict first and foremost. When the trade-off the two parties pursue different goals, as the name suggests. The assessment of conflict, however, is not the goal of the cause itself but the way to achieving the goals. The trigger for the dispute here is different views, with which method a result can be achieved most effectively. A conflict with the one already presented in early childhood, is the distribution conflict. This involves the allocation of goods and the related conflict potential”, explains Grundlehner, specialist in transactional analysis. A more difficult case, which also are coaching in St. Gallen is discussed, represents the personal conflict. It is so hard to regulate, because different people naturally feel different decision-making or behavioral tendencies, which don’t match. With our supervision in St. we help gall Finally, new alternative courses of action to integrate and expand the own frame of reference”, emphasizes Grundlehner. Company description the Training Institute for systemic transactional analysis in St. Gallen specializes in addition to training in transactional analysis single partner and family counseling and supervision and coaching.

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