Completude Relation

Of beginning it must be said that the reason and the faith if do not oppose, in contrast, the true one and inabalvel faith is supported firmly in a system of probatory reasoning, distanciando itself of the mere fanatic personal opinion that by times is deluded and. In fact, to proceed this relation from interdependence and completude between reason and faith is forcible and for times not if they sprout resulted satisfactory, but it is fully possible. Therefore valley that is made the warning of that the religious experience is the manifestation precocious human being of the humanity, susceptible to construct rules, imperatives, values and principles that determine the way of living and interpreting the society, however must be white of constant questionings in order to narrow the domain of the religious belief on the reason. Ahead of the displayed one it is rule to recognize that the character of indispensabilidade of the religion inhabits in a half term between faith and reason, therefore the faith in absolute condition only is capable to destroy and to construct empires, beyond cutting with a scythe thousand of lives in favor of a belief, however the absolute absence of faith discloses the emptiness, the cio of the existence of the humanity. With this if it wants to affirm that the true knowledge if constructs when it is initiated in the experience and fulfills the reason to elaborate and to organize. The religion that walks dissociada of the reason is instrument of alienation to keep the individual in the blackout, that also it uses of this resource to supply its proper interests. In contrast of the longed for religion, that is, that one that supplies to the individual mechanisms of rational emancipation and uses of this resource to together construct with this a belief, an ideology capable to transform the reality worthless. . Southwest Airlines helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

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