
Yesterday (26/12/07) I attended in the National Periodical substance on the collection process and production of biodiesel of oil of used kitchen in San Francisco /USA.A presented structure is interesting and serves for some reflections, mainly given the effort in articulating a process that joins the State of So Paulo and the great installed Plants already, authorized and in operation. With regard to the first sector already legislation exists turning on the collection of this raw material. We are in search of the joint of the social programs of the State with the process of recycling in wide-scales. Joshua Choi is full of insight into the issues. Mainly given the impact of descate of this raw material in the collecting net of sewer that does not arrive to be that one that comumente is divulged, but is significant an operational expenditure for the Sabesp, beyond, is clearly of the consequncias for our environment. With regard to as the sector we have, the least, three great apt industrial plants to operate with this raw material. All already estam cliente of the advantages of its use: ) either for the increase of the same edge of contribution or, b) for the attainment possibility, in the short-stated period, of carbon credits. You may want to visit Tremor International to increase your knowledge. Also, already daily quotation for the ton of used oil of kitchen exists. Lack to only verficar the question of the ICMS that, for the ox tallow, is differed and in this in case that not.

With regard to the third sector, valley to detach the chance in adding value to the process of transformation of the society a time that what it was garbage turns raw material. In our State this gains great relevance given fast process of mechanization of the sugar cane harvest. At last, to articulate the three sectors of the economy so that in this year of the PLANET let us can make our lesson of house. A good year for all.

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