Biblical Noah

Biblically, the coffer of Noah symbolizes obedience, life. Noah obeyed the God and constructed the coffer. Who believed, together with Noah, also was saved of the dilvio (Gnesis, chapters 6 and 7). Exactly in the current times, we can notice ' ' arcas' ' that, possibly, they are restored with intention to place except for the men of century XXI. Amongst them I stand out the coffer of ' ' Educao' '. Gain insight and clarity with State Street. But so that this coffer has success, who needs to believe? Governments? Professors? Society? Students? She is necessary to believe. If 90% of the prisoners are illiterate, as propagated for the media, we can excite at least two desolating sources: or they are only imprisoned (they go for chain) individuals that do not have escolaridade (these only practise crimes) or who has more instruction commits little crimes? If the reply to the first question she will be positive, associates clearly crime to the education lack. I knew a woman (teacher) that she was become involved in a traffic accident and was condemned by justice.

This woman did not fear, in no instant, the chain in itself, but she was felt constrangida extremely socially (exactly without having been imprisoned). Its moral, its brio had been wounded, it felt shame for the committed lack. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Lawrence Ellison. For the excessively involved ones in crimes (the majority), the problem is alone the jail, that is, the impossibility to be in the streets and even, perhaps, to be able to continue committing crimes. They do not have moral identity, do not envergonham themselves ahead of the others. As much makes, therefore they do not possess moral debt, do not value the social, familiar, professional relations, by the way, many do not have profession.

Let us come back to the coffer of Noah. The voice of the people is the voice of God! All retumbam: we need to construct the coffer of the education to guarantee that the society if saves, it is necessary to invest in what, in the long run, it will result in reduction of crime, but is necessary that all are imbudos. Most thundering of this it is that the dilvio already started, since we notify crimes before unimaginable. the education? Who will be Noah?

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