Following the press, the change announced by Barack Obama in the U.S. energy industry rolls around the whole country. “Because the discovery” of shale gas and even more opening up hitherto unimaginable oil reserves by fracking triggers a wave of sheer, benefit of several sectors of the economy. In parts of Texas, for example, truckers now earn more than doctors in other regions. You are required to develop the necessary infrastructure for the development of the production units or to provide people with accommodation or food. Also employees in the energy industry itself, craftsmen, geologists, etc.
are now in short supply. The United States – a country finds itself, and at the same time the way in a development that should make the American oil and gas producers to one of the world’s largest energy suppliers. From the importer to the exporter. This development also Amtex, a company that prefers German investors benefited from access to attractive in many ways allows producing units. But it is not only the energy economic itself, which is growing.
Desert cities boom, which come with the development of the gold rush towns. The first wave of development, the participation of companies with funding rights to oil or gas rights is this long. The liquid or gaseous gold”has now blossomed into the motor of the US economy. This time not to bring cars to the role, but this time, to exert international influence. Particularly interesting companies involved in building the infrastructure for promoting, transporting and storage is it up-to-date. If one considers this development globally, the triggered hype should ensure even in the medium term, that the American currency becomes stronger. This would be important in the light of the Aussenhandelsabkommens with Germany, because the United States are an important export country for German products when the dollar is weak, thus including the German economy suffers. Direct, This development also on the sources of positive influences, has the Amtex. The company with German roots is active in the American market for many years and has built up a unique network of experienced experts. The positive development in the US energy market benefits the company and its investors with very. In addition come the possible special effects due to the rise of the dollar. Amtex feel certainly well prepared for the next few years.