Archive for August 2021


In the medieval period, as well as since the start of Christian history, the light if at the outset binds to the origin and the holy ghost of the things, concept this very observed in the gtica illumination, that possesss its cathedrals as great prominences of the medieval period, despertando the religiosidade through the upright of the natural light. Bruyne (1958) affirms that the light in the medieval period always inhabits above of the expression forms, where the extreme visible beauty to the eyes is conceived had to the consequence of the beauty invisible superior. The author emphasizes the element that more characterizes the gtico: the vitrais, used in the points highest of the cathedrals. The vitral is an element of the gtica architecture that goes beyond the functional and structural aspect, a time that was had at the time as the effect of the transmutao of the substance, of the rock, through the light. According to medievos, the power of the divine light could transform the hard rock into difana substance, an intermediary between the terrena corporeidade and the transcendental form. The form architectural of the gtico is characterized in such a way by the luminosity how much for the upright. (BRUYNE, 1958, V.3.).

Still according to author, is necessary to interpret the light in the medieval architecture not under the setecentista prism, but yes under the point of view where the supernatural one was present in all and any activity human being. to obtain the idea of the supernatural one in the architecture was used the resource of the upright, possible thanks to the effect of the glass.

Critical Sociability

Being thus, and it could not be different, the present text is fruit of express past inquiries in form of knowledge produced for the great theoreticians and proper social assistants, who based theoretician and metodologicamente in the critical social theory, if it socially became a valid knowledge and effectively atrelado the search for the transformation of the social reality. Imanente is this inquiry based on the critical social theory, that is incorporated and developed for the social assistants from the moment in the same ones if they see and if they understand while category em/em the movement of history, what initially it occurs of mystified form due to the proper historical context that permeia its emerso and institutionalization, but procedurally, the apprehension of its forms of being and to exist in the social world allows to its auto-recognition while profession that is inserted in a bigger movement, the movement of the sociability human being. That is, it is from there, that if it accomplishes the option politics, ethics and theoretician for one determined project societrio clearly and defined, that objective the sociability human being accomplished without the oppression of the man for the man, where the freedom is foundation of the life human being accomplished in its fullness. It can seem for some, utopian to speak in a society that it reaches this period of training of sociability, and although the projection of this social period of training to be fundante principle of the permanent performance, (not individually, therefore ' ' sada' ' she is collective) of the social assistants, has not been difficult to perceive the permanence of the pejorativo agreement of the term ' ' utpico' ' between colleagues of course, but it is only for that they suffer in the imediatismo of the social appearance, disrespecting, or even though ignoring its transforming investigativa and interventiva capacity on the social reality.

Brazilian Society

Thus, form as the history of the black in Brazil was written, as well as the contribution of the blacks in the literary domnios must be analyzed and be questioned, so that it is created anti-history and against-literature that can take off or demystify the clandestinidade of many facts that the dominant culture masks. Of this form, ' ' the theoretical conformation of literature ' ' afro-brasileira' ' or ' ' afro-descendente' ' it passes necessarily I shake for it of the notion of a national identity joins and coesa' ' (DUARTE, 2002, p.47). This is closely on to the notion of a false society joins and harmonica also confirmed for the national hymn: ' ' … Educate yourself with thoughts from Encompass Health. If the distrain of this equality we obtain to conquer with the arm forte' ' ; that if objective in the legitimation of the exploration and the domination, in a society sidewalk in the false equality between races. Thus, in a similar way that we perceive the inefficacy and dissimulation of the term equality nailed for the national hymn, we attempt against in them, then, for the one existence society of hybrid and broken up identity, which denounces that in elapsing of our history literary the omission or estereotipao of the black points with respect to the refusal of many voices, that had been forgotten, silenced or invented in the national literary picture.

A literature that if attributes the mission to articulate the national project to make to emerge founding myths of a community and to recoup its collective memory, starts to only exert the sacralizante, unifying function, tending the same, to the monologismo, that is, the construction of a etnocntrica identity type, that circumscribes the reality to an only picture of referenciais' ' (BERND, 1992, P. 17). Throughout Brazilian literature, it is perceived occultation or disfigurement of the black, since this is presented in exotic way, related its physical force or the sexual vindication of the black, ' ' the image of the pretty mulata, in a society as the colonial, where the woman was rare, is but a glorificao of the black color of what a glorificao of white color: the mulata was chosen because the European of what came close itself more than of africana' ' (BASTIDE, 1992, p.115). .

Black River Pupils

However, the place established its bonds and culture, creating a healthful and familiar environment for its inhabitants. In the decade of 1980, had the effect of the public politics for the field, cited previously, or the lack of these, the first problems start to appear: agriculture starts to lose force, but the quarter still remains asset and town. ' ' esvaziamento' ' of the Headboard: of difficulties In the end of the 1980 beginning and souvenirs and a gift decade of the decade of 1990, as well as for the most part of the country, the conditions to continue agricultural work of the local producers becomes – each complicated time more, the debts contracted in the hope to continue to produce increase; in consequence, one ' ' effect domin' ' it is verified in the agrarian politics of the country, many give up, others look new chances of job in the great cities, where one better condition of life is offered and is possible to guarantee one better future through the studies. In this exactly period, ' ' Cabeceira' ' , the first agricultural exoduses start to occur and in consequence, the small local commerce suffers brusque alterations and some doors start to be closed. Accurately in the year of 1990, thirteen entire families leave the place, all with certain destinations: They are Jose of the Black River, Americana and So Paulo, in search of new chances.

In 1994, the lack of pupils registered more the expenses with employees, professors and maintenance of the building determine the closing of the school and the few pupils had even started to be taken the city of Amrico De Campos, therefore the transport was cheaper of what keeping the school functioning. For the same reason of expenses, in 2001, the health rank also is closed. The few people who had remained had started to directly look to attendance in the city of Amrico De Campos and Votuporanga. .

Dutch Supreme Court

User terms and conditions should give to your partner under the agreement a reasonable opportunity to review the terms and conditions. It can fulfill this obligation by presenting terms and conditions of the other side of the contract prior to or during the contract. Follow others, such as Steven Spielberg, and add to your knowledge base. To transfer to the general terms and conditions should be taken seriously. In practice, however, is not always possible to submit to the terms and conditions before signing the agreement. There are three possible exceptions to the main rule of the agreement before signing the contract: General terms and conditions are too extensive nature of the treaty or prevents the use of the terms and conditions, professional contracting party does not understand the reference to the terms and conditions, for example, because he does not understand the language, both sides want to use and submit their own terms and conditions. Terms and conditions are too broad terms and conditions may be too vast to submit them to the before signing the contract. They are properly presented for review, if the consumer can go to the registration number of the general terms and conditions of the Chamber of Commerce and notifies that the general provisions and Conditions will be sent free of charge to the contracting party. Professional contractual partner German company entered into an agreement with the Dutch company.

The Dutch company reported its general provisions and conditions. The notes form the Dutch company had made reference to the terms and conditions. The dispute between the parties about the case was assigned to the Dutch Court of Arbitration, established by a competent court in Terms and Conditions. The German company challenged the dispute resolution procedure on the grounds that he had not been agreed, because she does not understand the reference to the terms and conditions. The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that despite the fact that the reference was to the Dutch, the German company is a professional company that manufactures the operation on an international scale and, therefore, should know that the form may include references to terms and conditions.

San Francisco

Three children of Antonino and Maria of Pains had changed themselves for Brazil: Jose, Ablio and Joaquin. Also two grandsons, children of Manuel, had been for Brazil: Carlos and Armando (that also he took its Armindo son). He consists that the other children had remained in Portugal. A Lopes family who came to the south of Brazil was of Joo Simes Lopes, Portuguese, 36 years of age, son of Jose Lopes and Teresa Maria (of Sousa), was married in the Oratory of the Farm Pellets, in 16 of July of 1815, with Isabel Dorotia of the Fontoura, with 20 years of age, Brazilian, son of the colonel Jose Sheep of the Fontoura and Dorotia Francisca Isabel of the Silveira. The marriage was registered in the church of San Francisco de Paula, in Pelotas/RS.De this marriage had been born eight children: Joo Simes Lopes Son, Vicncia Maria of the Fontoura, Isabel Clear Dorotia of the Fontoura, Antnia (1. of name), Jose Ildefonso Simes Lopes, Antnia (2. of name) Clear Cndida of the Fontoura. In Brazil, since the period of captainships that has entered people with Lopes last name, but first with Pero Lopes de Sousa and its allies, but the height of immigration was from Tom de Sousa with the action of Portuguese, So Paulo and mining the bandeirantes already descending of donees and gentlemen of cattle farms, the majority on to the strategical plan of the House of the Tower that managed the properties of the hinterland. In Pernambuco, the Lopes family followed procedure the same to open farm, to create cattle and to dedicate agriculture to it, ordinary shares of that they leased lands in the hinterland. Soon this family prospered, to the side of the development of the captainship of Pernambuco, with the plantation of sugar cane, cotton and commerce of cattle in fairs and expositions, activities that continue exerting, without neglecting of the participation in the politics and the public rendering of services. The neighboring cities: Cabrob, Bodoc, Belm of the San Francisco, Salgueiro and Petrolina had had the contribution of the Lopes family since the first formations of farms and the city of Parnamirim, after its emancipation received the contribution from the Lopes in all the economic activities that until today are developed in the region: agriculture, commerce, cattle and public services.

Filo Capital

Of course, the idea of all these projects possess unique and valuable. But it is important also that at the right time, each of them has found its investor – venture capitalist: – case Yahoo! Inc. went up the hill, where in 1995. general partner, the California venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, Mike Moritz invested $ 1 million as its share in the company Yang and Filo – a real business started after the other largest investment venture capital firm – Kleiner Perkins in 1995. – History of the company Google Inc. began in 1998. (Two years after the creation of Brin and Paige a search engine) with a check for $ 100 thousand, who wrote out the name of another defunct company Behtolshaym Andy – one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.

After that, attracting investments from relatives, friends and relatives, with Bryn Paige formed his own company with a registered fund of $ 1 million – any serious attention to the website was drawn once in November 2005, Hurley and Chen have managed to get 3.5 million dollars from the same Sequoia Capital. Six months later, they managed to attract about $ 8 million venture capital investment. Well? Amounts impressive? Ask our Internet entrepreneurs – that they could make $ 3 million? I think a little more than a chen or Harley. Although, I must say that successful domestic projects will not remain without investment, including venture capital (examples can serve and Yandex and Rambler, and other Internet projects). Especially this is real now, when about innovation, venture funds and investments in our country say more.

And not only say – but they do. What is the conclusion from all of the above can be offered? And here is this: if your Internet project has not yet attracted much attention, if the pace of development of the project are poor and incomes are low – do not rush it throw. Think again, perhaps, it is an idea, but lacked the Investment? And if so – try to find them. How Filo and Yang, as Brin and Page, both Hurley and Chen … JH Deaf Project Manager – Thematic Internet directories companies. E-commerce services. PS Yes, I almost forgot. Perhaps just one more thing to warn about. In fact, a successful project requires another component. What? – Well, here's see: the idea is, the money it received, and Now what? Must somehow this money is wisely spent. So there is this third component – the Office or, in other words, Management. It is no accident management in innovative IT companies tend to be entrusted professional managers with experience in business administration and in other firms. So if you plan to develop the project in a serious business, shop managers are already working companies. Maybe they You will eventually come in handy … PPS to terms such as 'venture capital', 'innovation', etc. became more clear, I recommend to follow the publications on the portal to support innovations 'Innoveyshn'. By the way, there you can register your team and show your project in the directory portal. Who knows, perhaps it is this step will help you find your investor?

Europe Occidental

In this direction, we can verify this separation in practically all the operational activities of an industry, in which the employee only executes activities, not participating of the planning of the same ones, that he is made by the support areas. The model of Taylor suffered retaliaes at the time, and its studies had been called mechanist, for considering the concept of homo economicus* (the employee has motivation with regard to the financial and material profit, generating a bigger productivity), without considering other aspects of basic importance. For even more analysis, hear from ViacomCBS. Although it has passed for hard critical, Taylor affirms in the first pages of its book: ‘ ‘ the main objective of the administration must be to assure the maximum of prosperity to the master and, at the same time, the maximum of prosperity to empregado’ ‘. (Taylor, 1911, p.n. 24) Between years 70 and 80, if it restored a crisis of the Fordismo in the countries central offices, that the exhaustion in the standard of economic growth demonstrated, in accordance with Naira Rasp Pencil. Also according to sociologist, restored a situation of crisis of the Fordismo. Thus, if she gave beginning to the estruturao of new forms of organization of the production and the work. (PENCIL, 1992, p .n 236) 2,2 Analysis of the Toyotista model necessary Age a reformularization of the American model of administration.

The advent of the Japanese model in Brazil was soon after its implantation in Japan and its dissemination for the continents, through the mundializao of the capital, in the decade of 1980. Thus, the Toyotismo became it universal ideology of the sistmica production of the capital (GIOVANI, 2001). The Toyotismo established new parameters in the industrial production, implements with it of the economic productivity, starting to defy the leadership imposed for the American model, until that moment. We can also observe these trends through the following one I break up of text: In the passed century, from the decade of 70, the industrial leadership? until then undisputed of the United States and the Europe Occidental person?.