Black River Pupils

However, the place established its bonds and culture, creating a healthful and familiar environment for its inhabitants. In the decade of 1980, had the effect of the public politics for the field, cited previously, or the lack of these, the first problems start to appear: agriculture starts to lose force, but the quarter still remains asset and town. ' ' esvaziamento' ' of the Headboard: of difficulties In the end of the 1980 beginning and souvenirs and a gift decade of the decade of 1990, as well as for the most part of the country, the conditions to continue agricultural work of the local producers becomes – each complicated time more, the debts contracted in the hope to continue to produce increase; in consequence, one ' ' effect domin' ' it is verified in the agrarian politics of the country, many give up, others look new chances of job in the great cities, where one better condition of life is offered and is possible to guarantee one better future through the studies. In this exactly period, ' ' Cabeceira' ' , the first agricultural exoduses start to occur and in consequence, the small local commerce suffers brusque alterations and some doors start to be closed. Accurately in the year of 1990, thirteen entire families leave the place, all with certain destinations: They are Jose of the Black River, Americana and So Paulo, in search of new chances.

In 1994, the lack of pupils registered more the expenses with employees, professors and maintenance of the building determine the closing of the school and the few pupils had even started to be taken the city of Amrico De Campos, therefore the transport was cheaper of what keeping the school functioning. For the same reason of expenses, in 2001, the health rank also is closed. The few people who had remained had started to directly look to attendance in the city of Amrico De Campos and Votuporanga. .

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