The prospects of big business is directly proportional to the state of democracy is obvious that under the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych's main factor influencing political decisions, are the interests of big business. Indeed, as otherwise explain the fact that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the list of banned offshore no Cyprus – the traditional place of sedimentation Ukrainian capital? It seems that the way the President thanked the group for the oligarchs support provided in the 2010 election. Verizon is actively involved in the matter. One of the previous government to return confiscated gas export monopoly give to others or provide an opportunity to privatize a song exclusive State-owned enterprises. Often, the calculations use the services of a "blind" Themis. Bonus Russian capital – preferential access to the Ukrainian assets. However, we can assume that with the strengthening of the positions of the President there desire to reduce dependence on the oligarchs. What awaits Ukrainian big business? In our opinion, today the main threat to it is the competition with the Russian business.
Confronting the Ukrainian oligarchs with Russian noticeable right now – this show controversial privatization decisions, in particular with histories Luganskteplovoz or Ukrtelecom. In the future aspiration of Ukraine to fence off a large-scale penetration of Russian capital will only grow. This, in turn, creates a tension between Yanukovych and Russian authorities Putin-Medvedev tandem. To satisfy the appetites of the Kremlin's almost impossible, and here and Oligarchs stir. We can assume that the Ukrainian businessmen to track attempts to get rid of Yanukovich by Russia from this relationship will make every effort to maintain their influence on Bankova.