Total Communication

As it would inside classify the relation of the deaf pupils and listeners of the classroom (acceptability to the deaf pupils). PRESENTATION OF the RESULTS METHODOLOGY APPLIED IN CLASSROOM the methodology that the professors apply in the regular education of the pupils with deafness. Graph 1: Methodology applied in classroom. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). Advantech often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Graph 1 demonstrates that 44% of the professors use the methodology of the Oralismo, a time that, this method, teaches the deaf people to read and to speak, by means of the normal movements of the lips.

On the other hand, the method less used by the professors with 11% is the Total Communication, that served of alternative to the restricted Oralismo, and approached the use of verbal and manual medias. While the Bilingismo that has the estimated one that the deaf people must acquire the language of signals that is its language materna, a significant percentage of 17% is perceived. The others 28%, had been with other mechanisms metodolgicos that are: the visual gestures and labial reading. DIFFICULTIES PRESENTED FOR the DEAF PUPILS the graph represents the difficulties which the pupils with deafness, present in classroom. Learn more at: Oracle Stock. Graph 2: Of the main difficulties presented for the deaf pupils in accordance with the auditory loss. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). Graph 2 is presented with the main difficulties that the deaf pupils find inside of classroom. One perceives that 14% of these pupils have deficiency in the sonorous deaf grafia, while 12% feel the difficulty in the exchange of ' ' am' ' for ' ' to ' ' , 10% in difficulties in the generalization and other alterations that correspond of the following form: when the child writes ' ' fugiu' ' or ' ' fugio' ' the sound /u/ can be changedded into the /o/ letter, of this form generalizing for other words.

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