Thigh High Boots Custom-made

The must-have for the cold season! This season are ultra-high thigh high boots trend, but unfortunately the “off the shelf” not fit most women. Once the legs are too short, too long or the calves is not properly. Our Overkneeboots Nestle perfectly on your legs and were already at the fashionweek Berlin a big hit. Whether pink, whether black – pretty woman or Emma Peel – these boots are hot. We love you ton – in – sound in the mix of materials, seductive soft Suede front, refined rear shiny, cool smooth leather. The new dual grace for Gazelle legs! In addition, the legs extend to infinity 10 cm heels and hidden plateau. Of course can you choose like all our models the colours and leather itself – but uni? Instead of the wide tramp but rather the new pin heels? No problem. Selve’s unique concept allows colors, select leather and paragraphs themselves.

The fit is adjusted individually using the latest 3D scanner technology on each foot. So can the shape of each foot, whether narrow or wide, short or long, individually taken into account. Specially designed boots shafts are cut to fit and garanitieren perfect fit.

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