Some solutions to diminish the damage could be legal regulations or higher taxes to products disposable, to dissuade the consumers. Also we would have to plan obsolescence and to know what will become when the products finish their service life and are rejected. The fiscal laws and systems are a strongpoint to avoid the consumption desordenado” , it affirmed the expert. The marketing research can invest the same amount of resources that has used to increase the consumption of this type of merchandise in repaying the damage, that is to say, promoting ecoeficientes products, popularizing the idea of the sustainable consumption and to press to the companies to assume its social responsibility in environmental matter. Definitively is very valid contributed by Badillo when it emphasizes, that needs social must to satisfy, as long as they do not jeopardize the existence of the natural resources, that we do not have to forget, are finite. We must administer to its use and operation. The market demands a fast answer of the companies, but also it has been seen in the obligation favor the viable development, like part of its survival. The sustainable development consists of finding way of which the economic operations alter less possible to the environment, to use the resources efficiently, to promote to the maximum the recycling and the reusability, to recover the damaged ecosystems and to recognize the importance of the nature for the human well-being.
We affirm before all this reality, that the environmental commitment constitutes a great social responsibility for the companies, and where its management must very take into account this topic. Of there, that the management of markets cannot ignore this great responsibility, where the ecological marketing research carries out a very significant roll in the management of all modern company. Through this writing one indicates the reach, repercussions, advantages and aspects that the management of markets must take very into account before the competitive dynamics of the great scenes where many of them present/display great environmental turbulences that cannot be ignored ignored Remembers, that the ecological trade is a part of the social trade, that is to say, that one set of activities that it persecutes to stimulate and to facilitate social acceptance of ideas or behaviors that they are considered beneficial for the society, concretely, is a set of activities carried out by institutions for charity (group of ecologists, groups of consumers, administrators, etc) to spread to ideas and environmentally desirable behaviors between the citizens and the different social and economic agents.