The Formation

When the child starts school life, carries luggage, which is not always equipped you support and encouragement the habit of reading. In view of this concern is important you bring you public school the development this skill, arousing interest through activities and different environments. Key words: Reading, training of readers, School library. Introduction: The interest for the research of this article appeared from the happened necessities of the pertaining to school complaints, in which many pupils present difficulties to understand what they leem, making of this somewhat superficial act. The raised hypothesis is salient on the importance to implant in the public schools the library, therefore this space will allow to the contact with books since infancy, allowing a good development of the reading ability, and with this the pupils become participant assets in the construction of the proper knowledge. The objective of this article is to identify to the possible causes of me the formation of readers in Brazil; To define the function of the libraries and to develop psicopedaggicas strategies to stimulate the habit to read.

The research will have qualitative and quantitative endorsement, on the basis of the bibliographical theoretical survey and analysis of data. Reflection on the problematic formation of readers in Brazil Currently, it is common to hear the complaint of professors in relation to the learning of the reading for the educandos. One knows that the reading is not a mere lingustica decoding. ' ' The act to read that it is not depleted in the pure decoding of the written word, but if anticipates and if it prolongates in the intelligence of mundo' ' (FREIRE, 2003, P. 11). The individual needs to assume itself of its function while to be scholar, attributing meant its experiences previous. According to Mayan (2007, p.29) ' ' One perceives (…) that the reading is a necessary activity not only to the educational project of the individual, but also to the existencial project, and that, beyond being an act that if carries through in the scope of the cognition, it presents social character, historical and poltico' '.

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