The Aura

They possess great sensitivity and adaptability, showing its sincerity towards the beloved people. They need to know is necessary. When the color orange is not the predominant, it will indicate that the person in question, is very motivated in the family, or toward their friendships, expressing a State of harmony and peace. On the downside, the color orange, indicate that they could develop the qualities opposite to which they would correspond such as predominant color, becoming selfish and unbearable, giving the feeling of unconcern by everything that surrounds him. DORADO the person whose dominant aura is gold-colored, will present a great capacity of energy and willpower, marking its objectives as very high goals that usually get. The person with the aura of golden colour, is highly convincing and arouses admiration towards his ability to achieve his purposes. When the golden color of the aura is in the background, it will indicate that it is being carried out a great effort to achieve the proposed objective, being a good indication of the situation.

The negative aspect of the person whose color of the aura is el dorado, find a demand excessive toward itself, to achieve its objectives, reaching cause great frustration if not it succeeds to achieve, at the same time that it can cause serious depressive type illnesses or stress. WHITE person whose predominant color of the aura is white, has, to a lesser extent, all the qualities of other colors. They are people that attracts the quiet and family life, without need for great ideals, but they have a great capacity for creativity and imagination.When the aura of white color is in the background, you will be indicating a reflexive and simple life period at a time, without complications. But on the downside of the aura of white color, it would indicate that the person in question was going through a State of profound selfishness, as well as awaken distrust among his friends, becoming despot and believed.

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