Technical Supervision

With respect to the specialty of Search and Rescue of People Buried Alive, it must remember and emphasize again, with a noble desire to advance, a reality that almost everyone knows, and that many rescuers at the international level, are found for directly and repeatedly over the years, speaking on disasters as they occur. During the first few minutes after brought down, always checked, even by the citizens of the affected population, there is usually an undetermined number of survivors buried under the rubble, however, lapse of few hours, that number is shrinking rapidly , for various reasons, a few exceptions in the worst cases, as sometimes happens, up to the value 0. In this type of claims, lookup (outdoors or in confined spaces) are the first interventions to be developed, proving particularly crucial time factor for the possible rescue of people buried alive and affected by an obvious countdown to death. Judging from this fact, it is sensible and logical conclusion that government budgets for international cooperation, either in Spain or elsewhere, with regard specifically to maximize the search and rescue of people buried in areas affected by these types of claims, should focus more strongly and especially to the rigorous training of specialized teams of officers searching the Emergency Services such as Civil Defence, Fire, Army, Police, which are located in areas and in countries affected by these types of risks, which always intervene, indeed, within the timeframe necessary to quickly and effectively proven most useful operational. Being familiar with this fact, for years, the methodology Instructors Chest (System for training and intervention rescue dog teams in disasters) as main reason that drives them, they develop a hard and difficult work of international education through formal teaching courses and conferences of Technical Supervision, in places of high seismic risk, carrying out the urgent need is each country, region or city, which provides, in situ, at least a Rescue Dog Unit, effective, considering that most of the survivors buried, progressively die, for various medical reasons, if they are located and rescued in time after burial. Jaime Parejo Garcia, Firefighter, Seville (Spain), scientific research on learning and search dog’s behavior is also considered an expert and instructor at prestigious international specialty canine rescue in disasters, awarded, for examples, First Prize for Research by the Royal Canine Society of Spain 1998 or Certificate of Distinction of the Sasakawa Prize by the United Nations in 2005, the globally recognized important work of international research and teaching and scientific advancement of Chest Method for the reduction of disaster victims and in both cases, the first Spanish man who is as relevant grant awards. To date he has taken part in numerous incidents involving the burial of persons (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failures) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Spain. .

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