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Formative Process

Most of the time, such activities have not meant for the children. It is possible to infer that the problematic one presented, until here, is decurrent of a process of formation of professors that does not emphasize in its resume the question of the grafismo as primitive form of construction of the writing. This gap in the formative process presents impacts many disastrous times, therefore the professors ahead of the spontaneous productions of the children do not know as to interpret them, neither as to intervine pedagogically in the direction to make to think them on the language and to advance in its process of alfabetizao. Ahead of the displayed one, this text intends to answer the following questions: How To interpret the infantile grafismo? Which the relation between the infantile grafismo and the written language? How if of the o process of evolution of the infantile grafismo until arriving at the alphabetical writing? In order to answer to such questions this work the bibliographical research will adopt as methodology, understood here as a form to collect previous information and knowledge concerning the problem to be searched and that a reply searchs, in the case of this study, the relation between the infantile grafismo and the process of alfabetizao. Thus, this article will be produced from the referring bibliographical survey of a side, to the studies on the infantile grafismo and of another one, to the alfabetizao process, that is, to the process of acquisition of the language written since the icnica phase to the alphabetical writing. INTERPRETING THE INFANTILE GRAFISMO The child before having access to the writing, wants to say of a formal presentation of the first letters during the alfabetizao process, already she has contact with the graphical system of known representation as: scribbles and infantile grafismo. The scribble initiates to the 18 months, when the child before exactly to carry through the marks of the pencil in the paper has The track of a rod in the sand of the beach, the risk I hunt of it of brick in the wall and the sidewalk, the mark of the chalk in the blackboard, the furinhos made with the finger in massinha, the impression of the full hand of ink in the paper, the mark of the tip of finger in the embaado glass (DERDYK, 1993, p.56). .

Superior Institute

Fruit of a culture alphabetical, erudite and igualitria and pressupostamente racionalista, from there emerges the ascetismo of the academic spirit that is incompatible with the requests demaggicas of what we know as mass culture. If it cannot deny that the industrial-urban revolution brought benefits for the humanity. A process of changes related to the education had beginning, despite the objective Reals of the changes and investments in the areas of the education were camouflaged. The industry and the commerce needed more qualified man power, the publications were masked and fed, with propaganda and emphasis in the consumption dream, a igualitria culture that never existed. MELLO, when concluding its study in ' ' Cidadania and Competitividade' ' (pp.46-54), sample that the politics of quantitative expansion and the extension of the obligator escolaridade had extended the access to the school on the basis of democratic principles, but were not undertaken effort to answer to the questions of quality of education in our country. The consequences continue being pssimo performance of the pupils and the job of the alibi according to which the failure of the pupils was related to the financial situation of its families, who for not having frequented the school do not value it. It also points as consequence of the quantitative growth disqualifying the swell of basic education with the highest index of repetncia of pupils who already must have concluded or to be concluding basic education and initiate average education. The education, as it affirms the cited author well, if not to win the barrier of the chronic evil that affects our systems of education (and there enclosed is the educational objectives, the autonomy, the creativity, the capacity to make choices) can finish if becoming a taste trick much doubtful.

MELLO emphasizes despite the access to basic education in Brazil meets universalizado and that the swell of this phase of education is referring to the high number of repeaters, what also justifies the desistances. How much to average education, it affirms that the cause of the fall of participation in the average level and consequently in the graduation is low the productivity of basic education, where the statisticians point numbers well inferiors to the desired minimum. Concluding, the great problem to be faced for the improvement of the education in our country meets in the qualification of the professional of the education and in the lack of performance of the power national and regional politician as inductive of politics and compensator of inaqualities. Everything this it still weakens today the actions of planning in a giant system that sheltered from sped up form the extremely heterogeneous mass. As we saw, the educational process in Brazil centers its advance in industrialization and in the urbanization.

Its great problems seem to initiate themselves with the alfabetizao of desestruturada mass and badly planned, a time that the conditions of the professionals of the education and its qualification for such were minimum. Bibliographical references: GILES, T.R. History of the Education, So Paulo: E.P.U, 1987. FORQUIM, S.C. School and Culture, Porto Alegre: Armed, 1994. MELLO, G.N. Citizenship and Competitiveness, So Paulo: Cortez, 2000. 1 Permitted in Normal Superior/Pedagogia for the Superior Institute of Education (Safe ISED-Port); Postgraduate in Portuguese Language and Literatura (ISED).

Brazil Gerson Railroad

In 1897, the Leopoldina Railway Company Ltd. it bought the concession of this railroad (that is, only from this year that if it justifies to call Leopoldina). Of 1898 1902, the regions served per these stations had the 1902 had its divided land into parcels lands, as well as had attended constitution of companies of civil construction. In 1909, the Leopoldina Railway if compromised to the federal government to draw out its lines until the center of Rio De Janeiro. But it only concluded this intention in 1926, when it inaugurated the Station Baron of Mau, next to the Stadium to They are Cristvo. With these data, not yet if it can conclude fixedly, but it is possible to affirm, with a certain degree of security, that the Zone of the Leopoldina must its same name to the railroad.

If the company had bought the concession much later of the fame of the teacher, still could have some doubt. However, the concession of the railroad to the Leopoldina Railway and the inauguration of the school of the teacher Leopoldina Rego had occurred in a short interval of only three years. Ademais, the lands of the Noca if concentrated in the Pottery region, not justifying, the principle, that the fame of it and its son if extended of Manguinhos the General Vicar, quarters coincidently served by the line of the train Finally, as we explain in the article ‘ ‘ Madureira, the Tricolor Suburbano’ ‘ , on the basis of Brazil Gerson, arrabaldes next to the railroad lines was known as ‘ ‘ suburbs of the Central’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ suburbs of the Leopoldina’ ‘ (before 1897, ‘ ‘ suburbs of the Northern’ ‘) etc.

Melisa Wedge

In the insurance policies, the insuring ones if place as responsible subsidiary, as it describes Melisa Wedge: In the policies of the liability insurances they consist that the insurers are obliged to reimburse the insured for the amounts that these to come to expend in reason of judicial sentence transited in considered or extrajudicial agreements, duly authorized for the insurers, in which the civil liability of the insured is recognized. 7 In the citation above, is observed that for the policies of safe from civil liability the insuring ones if locate as responsible subsidiary, having the victim to file a suit the insured and this to set in motion the insuring one so that it is reimbursed of the value of the paid conviction. Imposition of this responsibility subsidiary in policies justifies for fact of that the insuring ones disagree in acting in the solidary polar region of the civil action for damages, to the argument of that, when the victim files a suit action directly against the insuring one is not proven the responsibility of the damage for the insured, as well as the exceptions to be defendant as, absence of covering, lack of payment of the prize, accident occurred after the cancellation of the insurance policy, amongst other excellent facts. But in the practical one, the insuring ones to solve accidents extrajudicially finish if contradicting, appearing in the solidary polar region it generating fact, that is, they directly negotiate with the victim effecting to it the payment. In this line, Melisa Wedge cites Voltaire Giavarina to explain practical the extrajudicial one of the insurance responsibility, leading in consideration the theory of the reimbursement, the insurers reimburses third injured directly, by means of confession of the insured, in administrative proceeding, that after constatao for the insurance company, will fit it to accomplish, immediately, the indemnity directly to the third wronged one. .