
Adds Olguin, taking into account, that the man of the society is launches to participate in that race of appearances, in the typical effort of who deceives who, how to achieve best print. The world is an immense Stadium in which the pride of life playing a great match of labels, social forms and economic to compete for the social image displays, a bout in which human beings not interested be, but appear to be the truth, that when you stopped to read this letter, you have already given life to your egoYou will be faced on many occasions and will have already defined its scope, impact, everything which has generated in its growth. Eckhardt Tolle, thereon gives us, that as one grows, is forming a mental image of himself based on his personal and cultural conditioning. To this I phantom called ego. The ego is your mental activity and can work only through constant thinking. The term ego has different meaning depending whether one person or another, but when I use it indicates Tolle, I am referring to the fake me, created by a unconscious identification with the mind.

For the ego, the present moment hardly exists. Only consider important the past and the future. This total investment of truth explains why, in the ego mode, the mind is so dysfunctional. Is always trying to keep the past alive, because who would you be without him? And projected constantly towards the future to ensure survival and find in it a feeling of release or satisfaction. Says: someday, when this occurred as another or beyond, will be well, in peace, I’ll be happy. Even when it seems that the ego is in the present, does not see the present: wrongly perceived it because it looks through the eyes of the past. Or reduce the present to be a means to an end, an end that always resides in the future projected by the mind.

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