South America

This issue has been taken into account by Ahmadinejad, who said that does not matter if they die the Palestinians, are barely 10 million; Muslims are 1.5 billion. With such individual ruling one of the richest and most powerful Nations, it is logical that the saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians, and other inhabitants of the neighborhood are alarmed. Religious between Sunni and Shia, differences that are unknown to most Westerners, are of relevance for Muslims, who have been stranded in wars and battles for that reason through the centuries. There are also ethnic differences, since the Persians are Aryans, non-Arabs. However to Turkey which is Sunni, not it bothers you that Iran is Shi’ite because he sees it as his ally on its reborn fever of Muslim rule.

First they want to unite and kill the bear, then you will see how to distribute the skin. The presence of Brazil in the middle of this pair of deranged, coincides with the interests of the workers party Leninist Marxists, who are totalitaristas like any Communist blooded; and Brazil has been the only imperialist successful in Latin America. Turkey and Iran would try to gain supremacy over Europe and Middle East, and Brazil over South America, imposing a new world order. The irrational idea is taking shape, because they are in power and feel invincible, happened to many in the past. They deduce that the time is ripe, because United States is at his weakest moment, with an inept President and a Government of left-wing indulgent, who believes that everyone in the world are equal, even though their level of evolution, peers see the world with the eyes of the middle ages. What will be the position of these three abnormal in relation to China and Russia? It is likely that invite them to be part of their game to put an end to American hegemony. Anyone who is the answer, avizoran blood times.

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