Shrimp In The Aquarium

Cherry shrimp caught in aquariums Russian lovers recently. Nevertheless, these already well won affection aquarists. The fact that it is not just bright, but very unpretentious crustaceans. They are ready exist in a very considerable range of temperatures, stiffness, and the acidity of its environment. They just do not tolerate contact with Aquarium of the copper ions, ammonia and toxic compounds. Harmful to them as sharp fluctuations in temperature and hardness / pH, although the smooth variations of shrimp is not harmed. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Larry Ellison. Of the special requirements of cherries to the aquarium is worth noting the mandatory presence of shelters – many small-leaved plants, grottoes and the similar.

Feeding cherry shrimp too does not make difficulties. In fact, they quietly subsist themselves, eating the algae from the surfaces of their homes. There are also special feed for shrimp, but they should not be abused – overfeeding for cherries dangerous. If we add to what has been said that good cherries give the offspring, without requiring them to create special conditions, and their young requires absolutely no maintenance, it is quite understandable growing popularity of these shrimp. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out delta airlines. Calm nature neokardinok allows you to keep it as it is in krevetochnike, and together with the fish. As neighbors they had better choose a peaceful and sluggish fish. Wonderfully suited for these shrimp content in the plant aquarium – they are perfectly fulfill the role of cleaners, eating conferva. This allows us not to add water special preparations for the destruction of conferva and stain the underwater world of green. If you – just plan to buy an aquarium, it can safely start Neokardina shrimp as their first pet. This active, vibrant and undemanding animals, which can monitor day and night!

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