Inrev European investor Association once again undertook a survey among its members and once again confirmed the relevance of the German real estate market for providers, such as the Aschheimer SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) with their SHB funds a large profit. It comes after members of the European Associates for investors in non-listed real estate vehicles, short Inrev called, then the Federal Republic of Germany is the best real estate site in Europe. Scandinavia was mentioned as another possible investment site. Germany is the largest economy in Europe, and could refer to an economic growth of three percent in the last year. This growth also affects the demand in the real estate segment.
The real estate Fund experts assume here, that these countries be best manage possible upcoming recession or risks arising from the development of the euro”, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). The Aschheimer SHB is a provider of the conception and the Specialized distribution of closed-end real estate funds, an asset class that could reunite the largest response to in 2011 when the designers of closed-end funds. Already the second time in a row the retail real estate were the most popular system of 121 investors and asset managers who participated in the survey by Inrev. Because of the managed volume of 1.66 trillion euros of this category of persons can be assumed thereby quite of a representative survey. 64 percent called in Germany or German retail funds as the clear favourites of the plant. This shows that we are Fund just right with the investment spectrum of our SHB”, so the real estate expert of the SHB. So, dormant in the SHB Renditefonds 6 equal to 18 new retail locations are part of the Fund. All objects in the Fund have one or more main tenant and a very high occupancy rate.
The main tenant of the SHB Renditefonds 6 count best-known discount stores and trade groups to Germany, supplemented by more Tenants from the areas of textile retailers, drugstores and system gastronomy. This is the discount store market among the krisensichersten and the bestandigsten growing industries in Germany. Long term leases in securing the revenue of the Fund and allow investors to market-driven income. The responsible of the SHB see therefore the further development of the German real estate market positive and expect that fund investors of the SHB continue to benefit from the opportunities.