Scientific Developments

Scientists do not cease to amaze us with new achievements and developments. Now that's developed a revolutionary new method of learning foreign languages. Clayton morris is full of insight into the issues. If you have already decided in their desire to learn English, but now remains to choose the manner and method of studying the language and become a native English speech. We continue to publish articles on what methods are available for foreign languages, in this case English. Scientific Issledovatelny Institute of Psychology and development capabilities, has developed a unique method of learning foreign languages, which is effectively the classic more than twenty times. This method is fundamentally different from conventional method and to a greater extent based on the fact that during the training exercise is a motor speech and auditory skill and use of all spare capacity of human memory. You even can not imagine imagine memorizing words occurs at an incredible rate! Hundred words in five hours or 2000 words in 100 hours, and it remembers going with excellent speaking skills, vocabulary and perfect pronunciation. This method quite similar to other already known methods.

It is based on fundamental laws of human memory, then do not use the principles of NLP, the effect of 25-th frame, and other appliances that operate on the subconscious the human brain, even bypassing its will. Using this method in practice, you could have 35-40 days to become a great interpreter or guide, even if you previously did not know a single word in English. To be more clearly, briefly explain what goes on behind the days of training: it is broken into three phases. .

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