
To increase the procurement of wild to first in each region to identify and investigate in detail the growth of wild places, to determine their biological resources and commodities. Trade Resources wild calculated based on: biological yield, availability, territory, natural losses, the use of animals and people. Source for obtaining the necessary data and the geographical geobotanical map of the region or area map of forests and forest management planning materials. To determine the size of the possible pieces using materials of paradise plan raypotrebsoyuza, departments, enterprises and workers' supply organizations, public catering, procurement centers of different systems, plodopererabatyvayuschih shops and factories, as well an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. Thus obtaining read overview of the type, location and volume of the existing pieces of wild pass to identify locations of wild in the area. Gary Kelly usually is spot on. Determination of reserves of raw materials consists of two time-consuming tasks: mapping and identification of areas of the species, as well as the establishment of the yield, ie, the density of raw materials per unit area in the current year or long-term average for several years. The dynamics of stock berry or fruit plants in the audit period is intermittent, since it affects a number of factors: temperature, humidity, lighting and other conditions of habitat and other needed cleaning pillows. Even more mobile is the stock of mushrooms, which varies not only from year to year, but by month growing season.

Therefore, to establish the exact stocks of plants and fungi is difficult. Depending on what forces and the precision with which to identify available resources, this work is carried out by the reconnaissance survey and the method of accounting bookmarks plots. When the reconnaissance survey done visual evaluation of growth, flowering or fruiting of a plant species. In determining the harvest of wild accounting unit is the tree or bush, and in setting harvest berries – during restoration account playground. Credentials playgrounds should have following dimensions: small shrubs (cowberry strawberries strawberry cranberry cloudberries bilberry) – 1 m2 for larger (blueberries blackberry raspberries currant) – 4 m2. Form grounds – a square. Harvest of each accounting unit is weighed separately and then counted on a hectare basis of the average yield of one unit of account of the plot, the number of reporting units on an area of one hectare and unit of account.

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