Ralf Pellet

The company of mock – heating, plumbing, solar informed households must wood set, if you want to heat with bio-energy. The pellet heating system has proved especially practical, which is characterised especially by a high degree of comfort and energy efficiency. The cost for a pellet heating system while still above where a conventional heating system, but these already pay off after a few years, because the fuel is cheaper in the long run. Not only comfortable heating with pellets in favour of an investment or conversion. Many further advantages arise from the natural heating. About this inform the experts in heating, plumbing solar of company mock from Delmenhorst.

What are pellets? Wood pellets are cylindrical, compressed sawdust and wood shavings from Virgin wood and have a high energy density and low water content. Through the low storage capacity of 1, 5 m / ton pellets are ideal for storage in the basement. Advantages of a pellet heating system attractive subsidies by the State for the acquisition of pellet heating systems, In contrast to other solid fuels, the use of pellets is comfortable, clean and simple, because the fuel supply is done automatically. The raw material for the wood pellets is almost unlimited available and can be mounted at any time if necessary. Thus, the resources for the fuel are not finite and limited, as is the case with fossil fuels. With a pellet heating system is on renewable raw materials, so that climate-friendly CO2-neutral is burned. The prices of oil and gas will continue to rise as the Earth’s resources are scarce. Wood is however not dependent on this price development. The combination of Pelletzentralheizung and solar thermal plant represents a particularly effective and environmentally-friendly heating system. Pellet stoves can now reach efficiencies of more than 90 percent for detailed information about the pellet heating system the company mock from Delmenhorst available anytime. Press contact company mock – sanitary, heating, solar INH.: Ralf mock of vivants road 29 27755 Delmenhorst Tel.: 042 21 – 28 90-777 fax: 042 21 – 28 90-778 email: Homepage:

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