
At this level the activity is characterized by problem solving based on the use of an action model assimilated. Level creation: It is distinguished because it raises an objective to achieve, but do not specify the conditions to achieve it is not directed procedures, not providing the media. These levels assimilation have been used systematically in educational practice and allow to diagnose the level of assimilation with which objectives are achieved. But now many experts assert that educational practice has paid little attention to the degree of excellence that should manifest the knowledge, skills and abilities and respect have developed a new theoretical construct called the performance levels that cognitive. A study of some theoretical considerations on the subject allow authors of this paper assume Rolando Rubio described by Aguiar et al (2006) where they consider that the levels of cognitive performance are functions that express categorizing degrees of cognitive development achieved by students in the learning process and allows us to conceive them as energizing element, not only the evaluation process, but the very process of learning – learning in its entirety and the resulting methodological work, improvement and research to be undertaken to enable cell class as the teaching process. So the performance levels have a systemic nature that goes beyond the framework of a single component, because from what evaluative reach a value analysis of the quality of the process in its entirety. When considering the level of cognitive performance as functions of the learning process is highlighting that are manifestations of the essential qualities or properties of the process of cognition in school learning.

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