Paranormal Phenomena

The parapsychology studies:(como la telepatia, las premoniciones, la levitacion, la necromancia) the so-called Paranormal phenomena, phenomena studied include extra-sensory perception, telekinesis, telepathy, is studied in laboratories and outdoors, to try remote viewing among others. It currently has with the lack of credibility on the part of the conventional scientific world, who undergoes pure experimental methods scientists, already established, which leaves it outside the parameters and standards already established such phenomena. You know that parapsychology (Greek? which means beside the psychology) is the discipline that is responsible for investigating evidence of Paranormal phenomena?, IE, phenomena that until now the traditional psychology does not accept as real. The study of parapsychology began in 1882, when was founded the society for psychical research in London whose objective was to distinguish the psychic phenomena of Spiritism, as well as investigate approximately to the mediums and their activities. And while scientists have not recognized it so far as science, in some universities studies have been conducted in this area, as it is the case of PSY experiments that were carried out in 1930 in Duke University in the United States. To investigate Paranormal phenomena more thoroughly, you need a group that may be composed primarily by Parapsychologists, a medium, translators, photographers, etc., each one will have a custom, as for example, translators are because not all ghosts will speak your language if you want to investigate them more thoroughly, it is enough with a camera to take photos and so see if there is some spirit or energy that comes out in thema tape recorder, if you get to capture a psicofonia, and your disposition, and the most important never be afraid. I recommend a video camera with infrared light, watching someone sleep, which is taken as a serious work, especially if the person who filmed, is presenting or perceiving some event in the place where you live. .

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