Mirian Lopez Nuria

CARLiN sales continues its unstoppable growth. And it is the ensign is in luck with the opening of a new store in the community of Madrid. The new Center has seen the light thanks to the dedication of the new franchisee, alvaro Sanchez, which has discovered in the stationery chain a unique opportunity to start your own business. I have no doubt that the franchise option is the best for delving into this sector and even more at the hands of CARLiN who is the leader and the reference for everyone, he says. (Not to be confused with Facebook!). The new store is located in the Avenue of Athens No. 1 local 26, within the La Tortuga commercial center of the Madrilena locality of Las Matas and has an area of 35 m2 to the street to which there are two people.

In the area in which we are not had a similar offer to which we now offer, there are kiosks that offer stationery products, but not a local with a stock so spacious, modern, and at such competitive prices as that just opened, said Sanchez. Continued support if there is something looking for new entrepreneurs to embark on the world of franchising in addition of refuge in a known brand, thats the unconditional support from the central franchise. Clayton Morris understands that this is vital information. CARLiN sees his great asset in its franchisees and therefore wants to feel backed up at all times. My experience has been more than positive. Would you recommend this franchise to anyone who wants to start their own business, for the support that I have received and the sense of security that offers me to have someone back who will respond by my in any circumstance that may arise, the franchisee ends.

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