Holidays In The French Overseas Paradise

Atout France informed of French overseas territories in all three oceans of Tahiti on Guadeloupe and Reunion to New Caledonia Frankfurt/Paris, October 26, 2011 the French national tourist appetite Atout France on its Internet site on vacation in the overseas territories of France. In all three oceans are very special French holiday destinations to choose from, such as Tahiti and New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, and Saint Martin in the Atlantic and La Reunion and Mayotte in the Indian Ocean.(NBAFGPM26102011) Everything you need to know about the France of the three oceans”and Atout France provides the single French overseas territories on its Web site. Who did not immediately know where lie, exactly, for example, New Caledonia, Tahiti, or Saint Martin is orientation on the interactive map, which carries information about the destination and the offers for the respective regions. The French National Tourist Board for different holiday entitlements, for example, stays in cheap golf or spa hotels on Guadeloupe or individual nature tours on La Reunion proposes and presents special flight offers from several German airports. Thanks to new flight connections, as for example in the French Caribbean, Martinique or Guadeloupe, these destinations are much more comfortable to reach, so Karine lang, Marketing Manager at Atout France in November. Each of the destinations in the overseas territories has its own charm and is thanks to the mix of French influences and original traditions of different mentalities. For example French Guyana in the Amazon or on the Pacific Islands of New Caledonia, where ancient culture meets modern currents from Europe and Asia. Summer, which allows these destinations tourists loving a good alternative for heat in the cold months is all year round in many of the overseas territories.

Offer compared to other holiday destinations in overseas you the advantage that the entry is done very easily and quickly. For inhabitants of the EU is enough in most cases, if not to travel via a third country the identity card, visas are not required. To travel to French Polynesia and New Caledonia, citizens from the EU need valid passport and a valid document one after the return journey at least 6 months for the return. In French Guiana, on La Reunion, Mayotte, Saint Martin, Martinique and Guadeloupe, you can confidently keep your euro in their wallets, because here is the valid currency the euro. French Pacifique Francais Polynesia and New Caledonia with the franc “(CFP) paid, whose Kurs is pegged to the euro. France Guide: France Guide ( is the official website for tourism in France. It is operated by ATOUT FRANCE, the French National Tourist Board. It is an economic interest grouping (G.I.E), the the represents the partnership interests of the State, the territorial communities, tourism professionals and the large sectors of the economy. ATOUT FRANCE marketed the destination France abroad. With 74 million stays of foreign tourists in 2009 and 35 billion euro of tourist revenue, France is the number one tourist destination worldwide.

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