Heiler Software AG SAP

Dialogue Forum on three dates and locations makes station in December: Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich, Neu-Isenburg, November 18, 2009. The IT-based procurement is in the focus of the Forum of dialogue of the e-procurement to supplier relationship management”, which held the ReadSoft GmbH together with other eight companies. On three dates in December the dialogue forum spans the range from the introduction of supplier relationship management tools for the operational and strategic procurement practice reports. The dialogue Forum meets on December 1 in Cologne on December 8 in Frankfurt and on December 10 in Munich. Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Roland Meyer, business consultant at ReadSoft, keeps each in the afternoon session a presentation on the topic “Automatic order process for procuring company”. While setting out in particular the purchase-to-pay process in SAP. A special attention is the reduction of purchasing, logistics and accounting costs.

High practical benefits, real expertise of the speakers and interesting presentations with much opportunity for Exchange and discussion among the participants mark the dialogue forum. It is hosted by ManagementCircle. More vendors at the event are: Heiler Software AG, selected services POOL4TOOL, curecomp software services GmbH, wallpaper Media AG, German business consulting GmbH, Onventis GmbH and apsolut GmbH. optimal procurement processes and supplier management based on modern information technology help business today more and more competitive advantages. With their solution offering ReadSoft extends SAP functionality of ERP system to support in the procurement process. Whether it comes to the necessary registration for typical consumer goods, offers each catalog connections or testing and approval workflow, ReadSoft certified SAP Add-ons for a professional and accelerated processing. Aims for the company in particular, cooperation between purchasing and accounting to optimize that automated matching of order confirmations, delivery notes and invoices are possible. Automated processes using a high order rate advance.

In practice, this means that a high number of orders in the SAP system must be created. With our solutions we offer an essential basis. Customers create even orders for services such as taxi trips in the ERP”, explains Roland Meyer. About ReadSoft GmbH: ReadSoft’s solution portfolio addresses the entire purchase-to-pay process from the order registration up to the payment of invoices. The process steps can be processed automatically and continuously the ReadSoft Suite modules. As added value and flexibility in the SAP solution platform is created for the user. ReadSoft is leading provider of software in the field of automated document processes. Headquarters of the group is Sweden, where the company on the stock exchange is listed. Around the world, 435 people are employed at ReadSoft. In total, there are over 5,300 installations by ReadSoft solutions. In Germany, the ReadSoft GmbH is since 1996 on the market. ReadSoft’s customers include both medium-sized companies such as many large companies and corporations. Partially processed the document processes in shared service structures.

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