Hans Herrmann

Among these are notably younger and female respondents. Vehicles that are equipped with alternative-powered engines have some disadvantages compared to the conventional cars. Nearly three quarters of drivers assess the lower range than biggest shortcoming followed with 56 percent by a limited availability due to the battery or power charging time. Other risks associated with the use of electric-powered cars are seen in manufacturing of energy – efficient and environmental-loaded batteries, as well as in the failure of the vehicle’s electronic system. While Schwacke vehicle valuation experts measure the electric models to a significantly higher decline in value, is just over a quarter of motorists see a downside. Public utilities as electricity supplier for cars called the skepticism among A stumbling block when the acceptance is still motorists for a secure energy supply for an electrically powered car.

Trust a total 43 percent of motorists the local utility companies the most, followed by automakers with 37 percent when it comes to the supply of a personal eAutos with energy. Just once more than a quarter of motorists the supply by the national energy supplier considers to be ensured and they are still 4 percentage points behind the workshop and service chains. The oil companies, which are still the first point of the motorist for the fueling of your vehicle completely enjoy the slightest confidence with 8 percent. Electricity suppliers must themselves to the urgent task make it to allay their concerns at their vehicle power supply motorists with warranty service,”so the recommendation of Hans Herrmann, head of mobility at 2 HM. This opportunity is there to use, since the value chains and thus the market positions through the infrastructure to be developed change in the context of eMobilitatskonzepten. The introduction of electric-powered vehicles not sufficient alone to meet the energy and environmental challenges.

Rather, it applies to present intelligent mobility strategies and to implement them pragmatically. The targets to reduce CO2 emissions can be achieved only through a holistic approach to all modes of transport. Also, to ensure a stress-free and affordable for the drivers form of mobility. Hans Herrmann

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