Open your company for garbage collection – this idea may be quite relevant if you live in the city. Housing sector now monopolized, and, paradoxically, in this industry in penetrating the easiest way. Enough strengthen local community members. The specifics of this business is that service users will be thankful just for what you are doing your job: cleaning of the territory took place – that's enough. You can start with high-rise apartment complex or industrial facilities – in this case, you will always be provided with jobs. If new housing, ensure that it is already populated. If you have chosen an industrial zone – make that the company has not stopped. It is also necessary to understand the documentation: an export of certain types of waste requiring special permits.
The basic requirements for personnel are: the right "C" category, the physical endurance. With equipment however, have more complicated. For small rotations buy brand new trucks for garbage collection is meaningless, but to take the used – all the more dangerous. Need to enlist the support and advice good friends, best if they work in the road construction industry. By the way, they at first could not only provide equipment but also become your customers.
At the state DRSU in this case it is better not put, try to come together with representatives of the private road companies – they are solvent and can offer you really working versions of the technology. In parallel with their service, you can take out the garbage has to their facilities. Contract with the ground is prescribed on the basis of cubic capacity or tonnage sold special stamps. As a result, you can give the client a document certifying that all waste was removed to be. And, Of course, the main thing – it's a clear result of the work, the best advertisement for your company.