
The best way now to send the mail, just is everything to highlight and then right-click to copy, then paste the text in the email you send now to about 40 different people. A WORD OF WARNING! Not tempted you are, your Email address to position to add 1 to earn more money! It’s not working! If you do this, can reach only the people who you have sent the email directly and then is your address immediately by the square of the number 1 and away no thousands of people! When no. 5 but set your name to the position, it literally makes 10-thousands of people who receive your email or send. Then is your name on the first place and then they are literally number 1! Here is described in detail how it works: when you send your emails, your email address on the 5th spot is. This is the best position if you want to really make money.

The response rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign. For this are a number of reasons which will be explained later. You can expect a response from about 25% of the people, where you send the email. But let us be extremely conservative and assume that you have an average response rate of only 12.5%. If you send your email to 40 different people, you can expect to achieve at least 5 of those people, who do exactly what you did.

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