Diplomatenpark Prime

Every year about 40 000 new inhabitants after Berlin the population projection up to the year 2030, according to more than 250 000 people are in addition in the capital city come live. Bamberg, 19.06.2013. The demand is strong, the offer is weak. Above all, lacking the capital to luxury apartments. Here, you should use the moment but right now to get Commissioner to Berlin. No adequate offer faces the demand for luxury apartments. In this segment from 4000 euro per square metre up the market is stagnating.

Document is considered to be the House of Cumberland, which was sold out before construction begins. Also would the Diplomatenpark Prime rents paid by 20 euros per square meter cold. The construction of luxury apartments, resulting in an oversupply which would benefit the middle-class: more purchasing power means more prosperity for all. But Berlin is only 15 percent traditionally a tenant that is ownership rate. Against the background of fast-growing new contract rent and low interest rates, the rate could be easily move up, assuming it would be built more. An evaluation of Zahra according to banking and real estate consulting GmbH, is at almost every fourth home financing cheaper than the respective new contract hire.

Forty percent of the offerings within the S-Bahn ring, financing rates and new contract rent of comparable apartments less than five percent would differ, the company announced this week. According to the RDM the A-locations are in demand in Berlin in all walks of life; Investors put on security. The PROJECT investment group real estate specialists have recognized at an early stage the strong development of the Berlin housing market and the need for luxury apartments. Accordingly, PROJECT invested metropolis Berlin with even emitted alternative investment funds exclusively in high-quality residential properties in good locations. Currently, more than half of the currently 32 projects in Berlin are located. The developed residential buildings are a guarantee for huge demand, thanks to an attractive location, quality and facilities rapid sales and high returns. The latter are values participation offers for investors of the Reale issued by PROJECT of great importance.

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