Chemical Messengers

Reason and sense of limits of reasonable action to control our lives. How they arise and work, is hard to explain. For centuries, the philosophy, the social sciences attempt and recently the brain research to understand the complex mechanisms. The news portal asks, which exerts on our decisions impact of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The importance of chemical messengers for our brain is known for a long time. The brain research made great progress in the last few decades.

The editors for Science questioned what are the Central chemicals which affect our actions. Further details can be found at Gary Kelly, an internet resource. By animal experiments as well as using state of the art computer technology researchers with the dopamine identified a key substance for your balance of sense of. From the depression to the pleasure most of our emotions in direct relationship with the neurotransmitters are always. Also affects it that region in the brain, which scientists describe as the reward Center. It is turning and Focal point not only for joyful expectations. Also the addictive behavior is regulated here.

Dopamine is the material which gains the upper hand over the reason here. This is blatantly contrary to the image of the enlightened, rational people, is the Lord of his feelings. In economics there was even talk of homo economicus until not too long ago. This make decisions solely on the basis of common sense and always trying to draw the maximum benefit from its action. Noteworthy, that the Nobel Prize for Economics precisely went in 2002 to two scientists, which exposed the gaps and blurs this system and questioned.

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