Charles Leadbeater

In addition, what is learned must be relevant to the context in which children and young people are found. Any of this sound familiar? While the speech given by Charles Leadbeater refers to implemented strategies to help students learn in conditions of extreme poverty, something of what he has said sounds familiar? The above recipes can be summed up in one word: education. This concept in its purest sense consists in the acquisition of knowledge and skills by and for the people. This is why that school as we traditionally know it has not worked in the circumstances described above. The school is a sort of illustrated instruction; everything that is possible to students but without the active participation of these ships. Its existence is based on the belief of what knowledge and skills must be purchased without taking into account the tastes and interests of persons that obligation must attend establishments. All of this is justified with the argument that learning for the sake of these, but forgets or ignores nobody better than each one of us knows what is beneficial for himself. Concepts of education and instruction and the application of one are different or another makes a big difference.

In the same way, these strategies are employed by all people once their period of schooling ends. It is quite common, for example, that knowledge be acquired since they are a requirement for application to a job or to advance to a position of greater relevance within an enterprise. Or that people choose to invest in making a diploma, a master’s degree or PhD. All these actions are motivated by the search for a profit in the short or long term. Likewise, we all learn to satisfy our tastes or preferences regarding certain topics. There are skills that we are simply passionate about or cause us pleasure to their learning.

If this weren’t so there would be no fiction books. An example of the learning by extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is the decision to continue studies at an institution of higher education. People expect to get a benefit or gain once in the labour market as a result of studying a career for years. In the same way, many choose to learn one area of knowledge through these institutions because they like to do so, it is consistent with your preferences. Finally, if these remedies work for children and young people who live in a context of extreme poverty, why not what they would do for the rest of the students? It is true, the circumstances in which the rest of the young are allow them to remain in the school; they do not have to struggle every day to survive, they have parents who can maintain them during their period of schooling. It is perhaps because of this last I receive benefits in the long term as result of schooling is something tolerable. But we must not forget that people not only learn since they benefit in the short or in the long term, but also for interest. And this aspect is restricted to students attending establishments of instruction daily. If education is something that we enjoy as adults, why deny what children and young people?

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