Candido Grzybowski

Caetano Filho, a Brazilian student of 21 years who wore dreadlocks (long and hardened braids) and carried no shirt, left for a moment wrap his marijuana cigarette to consider the outcome of the Forum. I made good contacts with people from all over the world and this was a good space to exchange ideas, said sitting in the midst of hundreds of shops in the area of encamped. I think that the message sent from here will have a significant resonance, but certainly not proposed concrete alternatives to what they are doing in Davos. For Luiz Miguel Fernandez Vega, a Mexican of 28 years who recently completed his studies of international relations, the Forum acts as a social alarm. Read more here: baby clothes. We are highlighting things that developed nations do not want to see, he said. This is a cry of hope from the bottom, to say that we are here and we want to change things. While the meeting concluded with final meetings on a dozens of topics, thousands of mostly young activists bought t-shirts with leftist slogans, pictures were taken with indigenous people of the Amazon, and placed their backpacks in wagons of wood that local men they pulled on foot during two kilometres until the departure of the University held in which nearly all the events the trutha total of 133,000 altermundistas of 142 countries participated in the World Social Forum in the Amazon City of Belem, that concluded with calls for mobilization against the crisis and to save the Amazon, the two major themes of the event, the organization reported. The movement comes out renewed, said Candido Grzybowski, founder of the event which exceeded amply the participation of the years previous and alone surpassed in 2005 in Porto Alegre (southern Brazil) in pro to achieve best results, solutions, activist groups, as mentioned by By the same author: Adam Portnoy.

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