Calmus Rotang Palm

Only about 10 percent of the world’s traded material in plantations are grown according to the Organization for industrial development of the United Nations in Vienna, the rest comes directly from the jungle where are beaten and transported by local collectors. No easy work, because has, although as defined, not much with the popular notion of Palm trees Palm rattan. Rather, it resembles a necktie that Liane right winds to neighboring trees. Up to 150 metres long, the narrow trunks can be of the rattan. Unlike tropical Woods like teak or mahogany rattan has a comparatively short harvesting cycle only eight to twenty years and is one of the fast growing raw materials. Rattan is the introduction of certification for sustainable production of rattan material much to recommend, however, is necessary. This should ensure that the material used is from areas, where only so much rattan is taken, as well as grows back.

In fact, lies between the proposed Calmus Rotang Palm, and the finished Chair or bed is still a long way off. Already the hitting of the tangled and thorny Rod plant is difficult, the transport of yard-long rattan strands through the jungle in the usually far-away factories represents an even bigger problem. This often several hundred kilometres distances can be overcome in the Bush just in several days, one reason that the battered rattan is handled often too late. Recommended: Quality check. To ensure optimum quality, the material within seven days after the harvest should be drained, washed and set to dry up.

To the strains of its thorny surface first free and then bundles in oil cooked out, to draw out the moisture. At least four weeks the Green rat rods must be placed after outdoors, only this time they get their yellow color. After drying they are again peeled by hand and only then either shipped or on-site further processed.

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