Based on these points, and through studies and questionnaires, the Institute gives tourist companies certification, consisting of 5 levels or in this case leaves, and giving the corresponding number of sheets according to the level of sustainability of the company. The obtaining of the CST in addition to mean a degree of commitment to the environment, means a high degree of added value, since all the measures taken are appreciated by tourists and visitors. For more information on the CST, visit another institution that has launched an initiative for environmental protection, has been the Costa Rican Institute of aqueducts and sewers. In this case your initiative focuses on evaluating the quality of the water, which has been affected in some areas due to the irresponsibility of hotels and others. The program itself is called ecological blue flag and is intended to promote a system of annual assessment that serves as an incentive for the care of the beaches, encouraging hotel owners, chambers of tourism and coastal communities to protect, in an integrated manner, the beaches of Costa Rica, thus obtaining this recognition and therefore an added value.
Another example to follow is that of the airline Nature Air, which has invested in programs of carbon neutral. These programs do not consist of the installation of mechanisms that reduce the emission of gases in aircraft, as many people believe; but in the payment of assessments that are used to carry out initiatives that help to mitigate the effects produced by the activity of the company (tree planting). These are just examples of initiatives that can make the tourist sector, a more sustainable activity and therefore prevent attacks against nature, the which are perpetuated every day at the length and breadth of the world. As Venezuelan resident in Costa Rica, professional tourism and part of the Ameurope Global Services team, I am aware that all these natural wonders more than be a source of business, are our heritage, so look after them so that we and future generations can enjoy them!