Administrative Court

Direct candidate for the federal election on September 27, 2009, in the electoral district 177 Wetterau. A legal right to housing could be in a low income or unemployed. For this purpose, a request of the Housing Authority and their landlord’s rent money certificate is required! The housing allowance is paid from the month of submission! March 2009, was ready in the months of October 2008 housing related, is entitled to a one-time payment, which is at least 100 euros. The Housing Act was amended with effect from 1 January 2009. Their performance can be determined by a housing allowance calculator on the Internet.

The authorities will attempt to reduce the performance or exhibit incorrect decisions. The Administrative Court is responsible for the complaints about a lawyer! The housing is IV for the base, after their unemployment benefit at Hartz important! There upon the application of the authority is a legal claim on a temporary surcharge to your Hartz IV set. This is maximum 160,00 euros for 12 months and then again Euro 80,00 for a further 12 months. They get this power to the control power in 351,00 EUR and your rent. Always the lettings are a point of contention with the authorities. Accommodation costs must be paid without deduction of rent, the case-law. Often they get the rental costs reimbursement only after months or must carry inactivity charges! Here the renting law also plays a role, it states: that the rental service charge settlement must be submitted within 12 months of the end of the year. Could get so December 2008 settlement of 2007 only on March 31.

These can be presented before the authority in 2009. Here, there is a legal entitlement. The Sozialgericht is responsible for complaints. You can write the petition, or they hire a lawyer. Here is a right to legal aid by the State if they have no resources.

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