Archive for March 2016

Coffee People

As it can the leading government deliver in diverse hands the health of Brazilian people? GOD does not sleep and goes in accordance with to repay to each one its workmanships. He is thinking that is toy? GOD knows what he goes in the heart of each person. The Coffee cure 22 they will not build so that others inhabit; they will not plant so that others eat; because the longevity of my people will be as of the tree, and my elect ones they will enjoy all of the workmanships of its proper hands. 23 they will not work in vain, nor will have children for the calamity, because they are the bendita posterity Mr., and its children will be with them. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, CAP. 65:22 and 23. The coffee cure! It hinders to go to the sepulture Much people That indifferent Already left themselves to abate Because it does not obtain to understand its prrpio badly. The pure coffee Is the safe remedy For the cure of an disease That still it invests On as much people.

One xicrinha of coffee Can change the faith Of the scientist of antanho That it vegetates in the dream Of mirabolantes things. The real coffee Has to remain after all In our Native land to recoup the mass Of all disease. It is the panacea That the man who is well Must also take. He is not a palliative one That he only puts the enemy To the long distance; It is the total cure and if he finds after all When making use of all. The coffee purssimo That pra is ordered there is and much people ignore Have the cure of the cancer; Therefore the Highest Father would not place in badly incurable spirit One.

Good Counicao

Expensive reader, you already perceived that many failures in meeting occur because it had imperfection in the communication? Phrases said with rapidity, words badly placed, prescriptions that seem labyrinth and texts stuffed of charadas, result in a deficient communication, and that it can cause enormous damages, not rare, causing confusions, and even though placing lives in danger. Certain time I witnessed painful situation: A druggist understood the receiturio equivocadamente medical, finished for vender the missed remedy, the result was dramatical: the death of the child! Example of imperfection in the communication that resulted in incalculable damage. I also remember writer, owner of vigorous vocabulary, in its articles it made question to use complicated words and old-fashioned. He understood nobody it, but it delighted itself in its vast culture. They had nicknamed it charada dislocated. Charada because nobody understood nothing of what it said or wrote, and dislocated because as nobody deciphered its language, it always was dislocated from everything all, other people’s to the events, lost in its parallel universe. Not obstante the culture, lacked to it art to it of the efficient communication.

E efficient communication requires clear and crystalline simplicity so that the message arrives without noises, until its destination. Discerning people very say with few and simple words, reach the heart, without leaving to offer subsidy to the brain, what it was not the case of the writer that we cite above. Here it is, therefore, a suggestion for our success in the fields of the personal, professional relations or any another one that to establish: the good communication. to have a good communication is what all we must search. After all, in this interaction, in this constant exchange that we undertake with the world and the fellow creature, imperious to understand and if to make understood.

Therefore, for an efficient communication he is basic to take science of that the people are different ones of the others, and, therefore, we do not think as. He can be that let us say and the other understands B, therefore, important to write down some points: To speak pausadamente and to repeat how many times will be necessary so that it has the understanding of the message. Primar for simplicity when writing, drying fats that can cause misunderstanding. To cultivate the habit to read collaborates for the transmission of the ideas with bigger clarity. To take care of not to lose the focus of the subject, becoming the difficult idea of being understood. To give to total attention in the interlocutor. The good communication is essential in all the circumstances, therefore valley the penalty to invest in this art, in order better relating in them with the world, the life, the people and we ourselves. Let us think about this.

European Student

The courses of doutorado and mestrado in Portugal are, unquestionably, interesting for who live in Brazil. Beyond a good level, the expectations for the students are sufficiently high. The interested student expects that independent either and that great part of its made learning either as self-taught. After all of accounts, the student is main the responsible one for advancing in the inquiry projects that will constitute its dissertao of mestrado or doutorado thesis of; expects, with the courses in the exterior, that the career of the candidate advances without it has that to stop with its personal projects or same with its work. It has the disposal of the student an ample fan of possibilities, initiatives that add value to the learning, the career and the professional development, without it has that to be imprisoned to a force shirt. The possibilities of new conquests are numerous, but she is necessary to take in account some important aspects, in such a way academics as economic.

The investments always compensate considering the programs offered to potencializarem the formation of pupils of diverse parts of the world. Another factor is the physical structure of the universities and the laboratories of the Europe, what she is one of the reasons of the studies in the countries of the European community to continue in high, although all the crisis that devastates several of these nations, also Portugal. The technological investment of these facultieses, equipped libraries, famous professors, among others factors cooperate to the rise of the productivity, what sufficiently great if it is compared with Brazil. However, valley the penalty not to compare and yes to stand out the satisfaction to receive a preparation that will give to solid bases a professional to play themselves successfully in environments of so devoid works of hand of qualified workmanship. They are experiences that allow to recognize the positive aspects (and negatives) of our country and, when returning to be able to make use of the new perspectives and acquired experiences in order to contribute with the progress of the academic and professional world.

Administrative Court

Direct candidate for the federal election on September 27, 2009, in the electoral district 177 Wetterau. A legal right to housing could be in a low income or unemployed. For this purpose, a request of the Housing Authority and their landlord’s rent money certificate is required! The housing allowance is paid from the month of submission! March 2009, was ready in the months of October 2008 housing related, is entitled to a one-time payment, which is at least 100 euros. The Housing Act was amended with effect from 1 January 2009. Their performance can be determined by a housing allowance calculator on the Internet.

The authorities will attempt to reduce the performance or exhibit incorrect decisions. The Administrative Court is responsible for the complaints about a lawyer! The housing is IV for the base, after their unemployment benefit at Hartz important! There upon the application of the authority is a legal claim on a temporary surcharge to your Hartz IV set. This is maximum 160,00 euros for 12 months and then again Euro 80,00 for a further 12 months. They get this power to the control power in 351,00 EUR and your rent. Always the lettings are a point of contention with the authorities. Accommodation costs must be paid without deduction of rent, the case-law. Often they get the rental costs reimbursement only after months or must carry inactivity charges! Here the renting law also plays a role, it states: that the rental service charge settlement must be submitted within 12 months of the end of the year. Could get so December 2008 settlement of 2007 only on March 31.

These can be presented before the authority in 2009. Here, there is a legal entitlement. The Sozialgericht is responsible for complaints. You can write the petition, or they hire a lawyer. Here is a right to legal aid by the State if they have no resources.

Monetary Authority

Remittances from Mexicans receive from fellow citizens residents abroad (mainly in the United States), suffered a fall in all 2008 3.6% compared to the previous year according to the information released by the Bank of Mexico. This is the first annual decline suffered by them since 1995. Remittances are the second main source of foreign exchange earnings of Mexico, who have been affected throughout the year as a result of the deep recession that suffers from USA. For the worse, projections of the director of economic measurement for the Bank of Mexico, Jesus Cervantes, anticipate them continue in 2009 with its negative trend against the continuity of the recessive context in the United States in general and in sectors employing more Mexicans in particular (such as the construction sector). The fall in the net supply of dollars in the Mexican exchange market combined with the uncertainty of the context which produces an additional demand for the U.S.

currency, threaten the value of the Mexican currency. In yesterday, in a day full of bad omens for the economy of Mexico, the Mexican peso suffered a historical, trading at $14.37 per dollar devaluation. So far in 2009, the value of the dollar in relation to the Mexican peso rose by 2.64 percent in the exchange market locally, and in the last 4 months, the increase in its value has been of 29.25%. While the devaluation of the Mexican peso may be many good news in terms of the competitiveness of the economy, in these times of crisis, this has little relevance. Yes you can have a relevance in terms of its negative impact, the weakening of the peso when one considers the possible relocation of the devaluation changed to domestic prices. For 2009, Banxico foresees an inflation rate of 4%. According to entrusted the Monetary Authority in a statement on the matter: from the first quarter of this year begins to diminish to resume a downward trajectory of the next two years.

Former Stasi Employees

A post by specialist lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck Authority Chief Jahn seems according to latest media reports determined the 47 “to remove former full-time Stasi employees who do service in his authority from the authority. “Der Spiegel reports in its edition of the 16.5.2011, that the former employees of the MfS with the Jahn authority de facto tenure” were. What does the labour code? Basically can be cancelled of course the staff. The employer needs a reason for termination. The former Stasimitarbeit the Jahn authority is can not rely on the termination, because it was known to the employer for a long time.

Other grounds for dismissal are still eligible. Here nothing is considered the normal”, so their employees. Likely, that will collect the terminated employee dismissal lawsuit and a labour court the redundancies invalid, is however, if the employer not by the Recognized cause for termination to the page is dismissal. Against the background that workers decide during a dismissal procedure regularly for a severance payment instead of a continuation of the employment relationship, it seems rather impractical, to say that the authority could get rid of the staff absolutely not. They could get the golden handshake, which intends to offer the authority according to mirror the former Stasi employees within the framework of a code comparison.

He will have to fall off but quite lush, after all staff without a safe and well-paid job. Should a former back complain is nevertheless, the transfer of the remaining 47 could be called second step “are the order of the day in other authorities. Specialist Attorney tip workers: they are typically strong on the defensive, if your employer is determined to get rid of you. Experience has shown that golden handshakes are”within the framework of a Termination agreement but no good solution for you. The severance, termination or dismissal suit, you can achieve in a code comparison is usually much higher. If a separation is inevitable, is usually the best announce it himself and to bring dismissal action, however, within the prescribed period. Against a transfer, you can defend yourself also before the Labour Court. Specialist Attorney tip employers: always, remember the possibility of transfer of the employee to another department or a different branch. The reason for the termination of a weakness of an employee be other than in the exceptional situation in the j-body, for your employees, a change may well do him and your company correctly. But be careful: not every transfer is permitted. Can always consult with an expert before such a measure. A post by lawyer Alexander polymath, Berlin lawyer specializing in labour law

Procurement Office

More than 500 participants were changes of procurement law reform on IT obtaining INFORA Conference in the heart of Berlin / Cologne, 07.10.2009 – the IT procurement public administration continuously poses significant challenges. This in turn showed great interest in the 5th symposium on this topic conducted by INFORA GmbH in Berlin. Content, in particular the changes of the third stage of the procurement law reform at the Centre of the discussion were on this year’s event with 25 exhibitors. Klaus-Peter Tiedtke, Director of the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, has the diverse challenges for public buyers already in his opening speech. Rudolf Ley in a partly amusing designed review by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety gave a vivid picture of the roots of the public procurement law as well as the decades of reforms and changes which this area of law has been and still is. The current Effects of the changes of public procurement law were highlighted on the one hand closer 1.0 and the implications for the practice of the entities on the Symposium in the minds of the just published UfAB V version. On the other hand they were motivated as well critically as tactically in the lecture of Prof. Dr.

Ralf Leinemann from legal point of view overlooking the legal protection scrutinized. Much discussion evoked the idea of planned new regulations of the VOL/A by Michael whetstone Walker of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology at the INFORA event. So, in particular the arrangements for establishing Los participants appeared very questionable. They emphasized that they were grateful for clearer rules of execution than is the case today with the VOL/A amended during 2006. The Panel presentations focused on in addition to the legal issues of the public procurement law reform also topics from the professional perspective of the users of IT purchasing.


The principle from which all must work is to consider that the person human being is one all, indivisible, only, irrepetvel and not one any machine, composed for some parts, commanded at a distance and programmed for determined tasks, in a time previously fixed. It is this change that urges to introduce in the education of the children, the adolescents, the young, the adults and even of most aged. An education for the change, in terms of values that never must have been forgotten, as the Authority. The exercise of the Authority allows to create and to keep a climate of security, reliable and of proteco. Authority also in the execution of professional functions, while sinnimo of ability, knowledge, effectiveness in the attainment of results. Authority, still, as citizens, members of institutions, to start in the important institution oldest and: the family, exactly with all the difficulties that it crosses. The exercise of the authority of the parents does not annul the authority of the children, because the fulfilment of the duties of some is equivalent to the enjoyment of the rights of the others.

With effect: ' ' To be able to fulfill this difficult task worthy, the parents have to make to feel its authority loving, compelling the children to behave in certain way, imposing to them determined actuao principles or submitting them it a disciplined life. However, if it must make to feel the authority paternal and materna, this if cannot consider as one weight that jams or stifles the infantile personality or that it strangles the spirit of initiative and the confidence in itself mesmo.' ' (ALVES, 1991:9): To educate children with authority means to infuse to them, simultaneously, one another value that is the Respect. The authority of the parents, exerted with tolerance and firmness, love and disciplines, freedom and obedience, will contribute for, in the future, that child to know to exert, when adult, this superior value, with identical parameters, in any papers that to come to play, knowing always to place itself in the position that competes to it, without usurping the rights of its fellow creatures.

European Monetary Authority

It is Jurgen Stark and has communicated this Friday his resignation. He will remain in Office until they find substitute. The Economist j of the European Central Bank (ECB), the German Jurgen Stark, has resigned on Friday for personal reasons, but was known his opposition to the purchase of public debt of the countries of the euro which carries out the European Monetary Authority. The ECB said in a statement from that Stark announced this Friday to the President of the entity, Jean-Claude Trichet, who will leave office before the end of its mandate on May 31, 2014 due to personal reasons. Stark, who is a member of the Executive Committee and of the Governing Council of the ECB, will remain in place h horn which a substitute is found at the end of this year. The euro reacted with a fall after it was revealed the resignation of Stark, who has been a member of the Executive Committee and of the Governing Council of the ECB from 1 June 2006.

At 1415 GMT, the single currency was changed to 1,3727 dollars. The fluctuation band that moved the euro in the last hours has been extensive and has oscillated between $ 1,3698 and $1,3937. Trichet thanked Stark for his contribution to European unity after learning of his decision to leave his post. The ECB President dndio on Thursday and in a tone of unusual anger management of the European monetary institution in the current financial crisis to the criticism in Germany for the purchase of public debt. The ECB has had to intervene in the secondary market for sovereign debt to support Spain and Italy, whose risk premiums exceeded 400 basic points regarding the Bund (German bond to ten years), which serves as rrencia. The Monetary Authority began in May 2010 a public debt purchase program to support Greece, after being penalized by markets and through strong funding difficulties. Subsequently, the ECB also bought debt of Ireland and Portugal. Source of the news: resigns the j of the ECB Economist, contrary to Spanish and Italian debt buying

Chinese Authorities

This was also alerted at the last meeting of the G-7. The truth of all This, is that inflationary pressures in China will force authorities to continue the policy of rate hike (in 2007, rose in six opportunities interest rates), and accelerate the appreciation of the yuan. Precisely the need for an accelerated appreciation of the yuan represents good news for the United States.UU. Since it generates an improved competitive that it is vital in these moments where aggregate demand in the north country is weakened. It may be then, that the appreciation of the Chinese currency, a double effect is achieved: attenuate inflationary pressures through the exchange rate anchor and, as this implies a lowering of the products China imports from the USA.UU., the American economy would benefit through an increase in external demand. This would represent a very good news for us.UU. at a time where the authorities are less optimistic (the Fed yesterday cut half a point growth prospects by placing it between 1.3% and 2%) and where the rate of higher than expected inflation, threatens to the continuity of the process of trimming rates. I must warn that there is an obstacle that can make Bank of China want to soften the pace of appreciation of its currency in the process of yuan appreciation and consistent in the bet of speculative investors looking to benefit betting on china’s currency.

You will have to wait to see how the Chinese authorities handled this threat. Poor Cheng! I understand your concerns. But at least here in Argentina, with high inflation, price controls and an artificially undervalued exchange rate, will not surprise too to his native country.