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Nobel Of Le Paz

Some sandstone or announces that Julian Assange much more deserves Nobel of La Paz that its mediatic icon Barak Obama, which or that is to say. The United States in adding itself to this attitude would do well, since the develacin of the secret papers of its diplomacy leaves better that country than to those others on which their ambassadors chismorrean. Morris Invest will undoubtedly add to your understanding. A thing is to stop soldier Bradley Manning, who filtered the documents that had to protect, and very different other to want to kill to the messenger, that is to say, the creator of Wikileaks. Who before the filtrations believed in a maniqueo world, in which the poor countries were subjugated by Yankee imperialism, there are shortage now the doblez of regimes like the paquistan, that plays indifferently in favor of the North Americans and of talibanes, or of those Arab leaders, like the Saudi king, Abdal, those in favor privily of which it is attacked Iran instead of a Israel. In not few occasions, they are the own American diplomats who are scandalized, for example, of which strapa of Sudan, Omar To Bashir, hoards in British banks 6,800 million Euros whereas their subjects die of hunger, or hundreds of violations perpetrated by the blue helmets of the UN in Africa. And he is that, like a gigantic patio of Monipodio on global scale, the world that to us the papers of Wikileaks keep awake is full of truhanes and gangsters, cynical and corrupt, sinvergenzas and thieves who, lamentably, are the one who are governing to million citizens. (This article has been published by its author, ENRIQUE ARYAN FERTILE VALLEY, in a dozen of Spanish newspapers) original Author and source of the article.


The generation of the knowledge in " " way 2" " it is mainly result of group creativity, of the subordination of the personal contribution to the equipment of investigation and development. Credit: Netsuite-2011. The attributes can be transformed or characteristics of " " way 2" " , in contrast to the traditional modality, in the following: a) Knowledge produced in the scope of application: in " " way 1" " the social and mental relations that represent the investigation or academic science determine the context. (As opposed to gary cohn). Whereas in " " way 2" " , the knowledge production is generated from a process of negotiation between different actors from the society, in the scope of application, that extends the academic one and that also transfers the market. The important thing is not the definition of problems within the logic of the disciplines in particular, but the solution of concrete problems. b) Transdisciplinariedad: " " way 2" " one is beyond any individual discipline, whereas the traditional form to produce knowledge it centers mainly in a discipline or at the most he is multidisciplinary. In " " way 2" " one is not only the collaborative work of specialists; it implies to articulate theories, methods and originating procedures of the disciplines, but based on the specificity of the problems to solve.

c) Heterogeneity and organizational diversity: " " modo" " it demands a flexibility in the ways of organization and their forms of work; the groups to be less institutionalized, the equipment and networks in numerous temporary occasions and distribution of less rigid responsibilities. d) Responsibility and social reflexividad: the work to transdisciplinar, the heterogeneity and the organizational diversity, along with the increasing social interest in ethical aspects and morals, it increases to sensitivity of the scientists and technologists. The professionals of the equipment in " " way 2" " , they become more reflective on the ethical and political implicancias from its works.

The Payment

Here the trick is in making a good planning financial, so that their times of income agree with those of the payment of the hypothecating loan. 3. It distinguishes the class of quotas. The quotas of amortization can be constant, increasing and decreasing. The banks supply the constant quotas generally and this one is accepted by the borrowers. In spite of which it can interest to him plus a decreasing quota or flood. Examples of it would be: If you arrange a hypothecating loan, perhaps of long temporary duration, in the years of amortization she is whereupon on the occasion of their retirement, their income are going to be reduced; if it is therefore quota interests him plus decreasing, it will pay more at the outset (moment in that you have more economic resources) and will pay less in the end (when their income are smaller). We suppose that at the time of subscribing a mortgage you have many expenses, for example is paying the letters of car, and that these expenses are going away to reduce in the future next, will interest to him but the increasing quotas, thus now that when has less money pay less, and it has more liquidity, of to have cancelled the letters of the car, it will be in favor in better conditions for confronting the payments of the hypothecating credit.

4. It determines duration of the mortgage. We leave from an idea that by simple, is still important. Whatever more SMALLER duration has its mortgage will be quotas, but MAJORS will be the total interests that will pay. So that the interesting thing is to find a point of balance in the temporary period to subscribe.

The improvement form to be able to make this decision is by means of the request to its bank of a PICTURE of amortization of the loan. So that studying this one and seeing the quantity of the quotas that is able to pay, it can determine the smaller term of time, to be avoided interests. There are occasions in which the banks are reticent at the time of facilitating that picture of amortization, but you are in his right plenary session to obtain it so she insists. Typical banking excuse is the one of to argue that since the interests are variable the amortization picture can change in the time. This is certain, but even so, it is possible that the bank makes a simulation to him of that picture, although is left from the assumption that the interests do not vary, so that you make the decision to determine the time of amortization. In summary to decide on the best hypothecating loan, we must take care of a: a) The TAE of loan b) The temporary term of the quotas. c) The type of quota, constant, flood, decreasing.