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In the words of the Professor quoted in previous lines ‘ antisocial behaviours, physical changes, and loss of interest in activities that were once his preference, may be a warning about the presence of an addiction, but also, the ideal time to express the boy all the support, solidarity and affection to overcome the problem. Communication between parents and children, as we have already mentioned and the teaching by example, of moral values, represent the surest way to prevent that teenagers will be caught up in drugs. Having the love and support of family is vital not only that do not fall in this problem, but to help them to leave through a rehabilitation process. Features of the family system with high pathological risk of addiction can point out as main features the following: to) vague, confusing and imprecise communication: in the family the generation of guilt among its members is a usual way; also noteworthy are ambiguous, dark and with a degree of imprecision remarkable messages. Click E Scott Mead to learn more. (b) attitude of mistrust between members: predominantly negative and distrustful interaction in the family. Members give negative messages when communicating (criticism, disqualifications, complaints). (c) fuzzy generational boundaries: the children of these families are often exposed to negative environments due to the existence of diffuse generational limits with frequent competition between parents. Sometimes one parent demand loyalty of the son doing participant in an episode of infidelity with a serious emotional conflict of the parental couple generating in this guilt-laden emotional conflicts.

(d) formation of maladaptive coalitions: family with a tendency to form coalitions to ‘ deal ‘ to another Member. For example when a mother who joins forces with his son against the husband, by placing the child in situation of damage or a mother-in-law son against the wife. e) rigid Control, aggressive or violent: there is no negotiation in the family control.